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Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Texe Marrs

Please Help

Please remember Power of Prophecy in your prayers and your offerings. Our expenses as a Bible-believing Christian ministry free from IRS and government control are very heavy. For example, the postage cost to send out our monthly newsletter has doubled because we no longer receive the government's nonprofit mail subsidy. This alone will cost the ministry over $100,000 in 1999!

Praise God, so many of you have written and called to encourage and tell us how much you support our decision to follow after Christ Jesus and stand firm in the face of government persecution and oppression. We are so thankful and appreciative for your friendship, courage, and faithfulness.

Here is how you can help the ministry in our time of need:

   Please give what you can to the Lord's work through your love gifts and offerings.

   Be sure to make your checks and money orders for our books, tapes and videos payable to Power of Prophecy.

   Please advise us immediately by letter or postcard when you move or change your address. Incredibly, the Postal Service charges us up to $1.32 for each returned letter.

   Inform others about the mission and work of Power of Prophecy and invite friends, neighbors, and loved ones to write or call for an absolutely free subscription to our monthly newsletter.

   Please pray fervently for the ministry and staff, that God will continue to bless and guide us as we fight on to victory in His awesome name!

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