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Texe Marrs Exclusive Special Report

Texe Marrs

Babylonian Judaism, the Kabbalah, Illegal Drugs, Fantasy Games and Satanic Music—A Lethal Combination

Did Jared Lee Loughner Carry Out a Deadly Kabbalistic Ritual in Tucson

“Judaism is one of the oldest living esoteric traditions in the world. Virtually every form of western mysticism and spiritualism known today draws upon Jewish mythic and occult teachings—magic, angelology, alchemy, numerology, astral projection, astrology, amulets, altered states of consciousness, alternate healing and rituals of power—all have roots in the Jewish occult.”

Rabbi Geoffrey W. Dennis
Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticism (2007)

Jared Lee Loughner
Jared Lee Loughner
The more information I obtain about the Jared Lee Loughner case, the more this tragic mass killing appears to be a kabbalistic human sacrifice ritual. I have no doubt that Loughner is mentally ill and a sociopath. After all, he shot twenty people indiscriminately, including a nine-year old girl, and his behavior afterward gave no indication of any sense of remorse. Just the opposite—the smirk and smile on Loughner’s face evidenced his arrogance and contempt for human life.

Nevertheless, it is also an established historical fact that Jewish sociopaths and other persons you and I would classify as insane have committed many heinous crimes. Moreover, many of these crimes were committed by Zionist zealots under the influence of their Talmud laws, and they followed the ritualistic practices of the Kabbalah.

Historian Edward Gibbons’ classic, The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, describes the savage acts of Jews throughout the Empire in their massive rebellion against Roman authority. Throughout Greece and Asia Minor, Jews murdered tens of thousands of innocents; they slashed open their stomachs, ripped out their entrails, ate human flesh, gouged out eyes, etc.

At Masada, so crazed were the Jews that they committed ritual mass suicide—men, women, and children. Those who refused to do so were murdered. In all, 960 perished. Shades of Jim Jones’ Guyana Peoples Temple.

Ariel Toaff, distinguished professor of Medieval and Renaissance History at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and son of a chief rabbi, in 2007 authored a stunning academic book examining actual case histories of the Jewish community abduction of Gentile children, ritually torturing them, draining their blood and consuming it in their Passover meals. Grotesque? Yes. Truth? Indeed, it unfortunately is.

Did Jared Lee Loughner act out of religious zealotry and hatred? He was, after all, a Jew and was indoctrinated in Jewish ritual. The biased liberal press showed its own sociopathic side when it attempted to turn this horrendous Tucson, Arizona crime into a plus for Obama and the left-wing Democrats. It worked before—following the Waco and Oklahoma City incidents—and the press got away with smearing and defaming everyone associated with the right wing of politics, from conservative talk show hosts to the militias. This time, though, the public seemed more alert to the scam and rejected the idea that Loughner’s crime was politically motivated or was anti-Semitic in nature.

Of course it didn’t help the liars and disinformation agents at CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and the other liberal media that Jared Lee Loughner turned out to be a left-wing loony, rather than a right-winger or that he is himself a Jew.

So the media’s case for portraying Loughner a right wing, gun-loving, Hitler-worshipping, Sarah Palin-cloned Republican fell flat on its face. And even the Jewish ADL finally issued a press release admitting that Loughner’s shooting of Jewish Congresswoman Giffords was not racially motivated. But not surprisingly, neither the mass TV media, nor the ADL, nor the big-time print press, The Washington Post and The New York Times, had the courage and guts to report that killer Loughner is a Jew.

That task was left to the alternative press on the internet, and I for one congratulate them on doing a superb investigative job in the matter.

Satanic Altar a Jewish Sukkot Display

My groundbreaking special report on was key, I believe, because in my own article on the Loughner shootings, I was able to show that the “satanic” altar found in the backyard of the Loughner home in Tucson, was in fact, part of a Jewish Sukkot (“Feast of Booths”) religious display. I also explained that while this religious festival is one that God originally ordained and is found in the Old Testament, the Pharisaic Jews (today’s Orthodox Jews) have added many Babylonian elements to their festival observances. In the Loughner case, we saw that a skull was found on the altar as a centerpiece of Sukkot worship. Also, I mentioned the Jewish custom of communicating with the dead during Sukkot, definitely of occultic and not of biblical origins.

Several Jews and one rabbi subsequently emailed me and claimed that the skull is not typically part of a Sukkot booth display. The rabbi said that Loughner had apparently mixed in the occult with the legitimate Judaic observances. However, my own research indicates that a number of Jews do employ a skull during Sukkot, and the Jews’ Kabbalah provides the justification for their doing so.

As reported in the New York Daily News, a photo of the Sukkot booth erected in the Loughner backyard resembles similar primitive booths that were erected in Israel by Jews during the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles). (Wikipedia photo by Yoninah)

Having studied the Jews’ Talmud and Kabbalah for many years, I am familiar with many authoritative books and guides authored by respected rabbis that place the skull at the center of Jewish theology. Jewish orthodox men are required to wear the kippa, the skullcap, on their heads., which bills itself as a website of “Authentic Jewish Mysticism and Thought,” based on the teachings of Rabbi Horav Ginsburgh, explains that the highest level of the Jewish concept of the godhead is, in fact, the skull and that it is related not only to Sukkot high holy days but also to Rosh Hoshannah and Yom Kippur:

“The first two days of the mouth of Tishrei (September) are Rosh Ha Shanah, the New Year, literally “the head of the year.’ According to Kabbala, there are two spiritual levels called ‘head.’ The first, higher ‘head’ is the highest Sephirah (Divine emanation), the supernal crown (Kether), whose physical image in the Kabbalah is the skull. Spiritually, it corresponds to the will...We ‘crown’ God our King, by nullifying our will to His will.”

Representation of the red circular serpent, God of the Kabbalah, known as Kether, the crown and skull.

Ginsburgh goes on to explain that the “Crown,” or Kether, which is symbolized by the skull and is the highest emanation of God, the King, is both male and female. In fact, the two are united in marriage in Heaven. She, the Supreme Mother, “cleanses” her children of their impurities. Sukkot is related to this process, and following Sukkot, the religious, observant Jews supposedly experience an “influx of light and energy” into their beings.

As can be seen, while Ginsburgh and others might deny it, Sukkot, Feast of Booths, like so many Jewish practices, definitely has become an occult ritual, as well as one involved with sexual implications. Given the fact that Jared Lee Loughner was indoctrinated into this extreme form of Kabbalistic and Talmudic magic, I can readily understand how this may have warped his mind. Eventually—at least in his unique case—it may have led to the murder of six innocent people and the wounding of fourteen others.

Jewish Ritual Leads to Sociopathy

Indeed, I now go on record as stating that in my opinion, the sociopathic personality and twisted mind of Jared Lee Loughner digested and took in the bizarre trappings and dogma of Sukkot, an occult Jewish ritual, and mentally processed it all so that it became imperative for him to go out and sacrifice human beings to his Judaic God. That God, believe it or not, is Lucifer, or Satan, in the form of the Great Serpent, also known among the highest initiates of Kabbalah as Leviathan, the red dragon, and as Oroboros, the serpent devouring its own tail.

Leviathan and Oroboros

The Kether (Crown) supreme God of the Jewish Kabbalah is discovered to be the Great Serpent.

According to the Kabbalah, in the future world to come—when the Jewish Utopia or World Kingdom of the Jews is realized—the Feast of Sukkot will be the occasion for a great banquet in which the giant Great Serpent Leviathan will be honored. Now there are said to be two Leviathan serpents, a male and a female. The female Leviathan will be slain and eaten and its illuminated skin (the Great Serpent is said by the rabbis to be the “Light of the World”) will be used to cover the huge tent where the banquet will take place.

As prescribed in the Talmud (Baba Bathra 74b), the Feast of Sukkot therefore always concludes each year with a prayer recital by the Jews: “May it be your will, Lord our God and God of our forefathers, that just as I have fulfilled and dwelt in this Sukkah (hut or primitive dwelling), so may I merit in the coming year to dwell in the Sukkah of the skin of Leviathan, next year in Jerusalem!”

And so the prayer of all Jews who observe Sukkot around the world is to dwell under the covering of the Great Serpent, Leviathan, the one whom all Christians know to be Satan, described in the Book of Revelation as “that old Serpent, Satan and the Devil.”

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life

The Jewish Tree of Life with Kether (Crown) at the top. Kether is represented by a skull and is the crowned serpent "God" as taught by the rabbis. (Click either image to view an enlarged version)
Now this hellish creature, Leviathan, is pictured in kabbalistic books as a menacing serpent wrapped around the Kabbalistic Tree of Life (The Sephiroth), wearing a crown. Called Kether, he is the crowned serpent and is God (the great “I Am”) over all the inferior gods, goddesses, and other emanations of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. This Kether, the crowned deity, is also represented, or symbolized by a skull. Kether, the skull, is the crowning Sephiroth. He is androgynous—that is, is a combination of masculine (Hokhmah) and feminine (Binah) energies. His color is red (male) and also green (female). That, in fact, is why all Jewish revolutionary groups and movements adopt the color red. It is the color of their God, the Great Serpent. The Communists (Jews) had their red star and red background flag; the Rothschilds adopted as their family crest the red shield, and so on.

In the Kabbalah, colors are given important significance, and red is said to represent the expansion of cosmic energy (the Force), and also the sexual expression of energy that can either create or destroy. The combining of masculine and feminine energies in a sacred sex act is a feature of the Kabbalah’s twin Father and Mother deities who are crowned by the Kether. United sexually, the divine Force is beyond male and female and is the godhead considered to be the force of creation.

Loughner: “I Would Like to be a Woman.”

So, in the case of Jared Lee Loughner, the skull of his Sukkot altar represents the androgynous supreme god, Leviathan, the Great Serpent. We recall that Loughner once told friends, “I would like to be a woman.” Was the confused Jewish initiate actually identifying with Kether, the Jewish Supreme God, an androgynous being, both male and female, symbolized by the skull?

And what of the bizarre pictures taken by Loughner of himself wearing only a red G-string, and the film dropped off at a Walgreens drug store for developing just hours before the shooting at the Safeway Store? Walgreens turned them over to the Tucson Police the next day.

Red G-String Symbolizes Sexual Energy and Divine Status

Clearly Loughner was sending everyone a message. The photos were of Loughner wearing a red G-String—consisting of a tiny string and a patch of cloth covering his genitals—and in them Loughner is seen holding his Glock pistol near his crotch area and also near the buttocks area.

In Loughner’s diseased mind, were his latent, homicidal instincts thus aroused? Does this G-string, the red color of sexual energy which the Kabbalah teaches is unleashed during the Jews’ high holy days indicate Loughner’s Judaic state of mind? According to the rabbis, Kether, their highest God, can create life or destroy it? Loughner did, in fact, go on to destroy life.

Jared Lee Loughner complained about his "subjects" at Pima Community College not honoring his divine authority.
Another clue is found in a videotape that Loughner made and the police impounded during their search of the Loughner residence. In this video, self-taken by the killer and with his voice narrating the scenes, we find Loughner referring to Pima Community College as a “terrible place” and as his “genocide college.” He lamented on the video that because of the college, he would be “homeless” within a few days. Obviously Loughner was referring to the fact that after complaints from fellow students and instructors, the college had him removed from classes due to his strange and ominous behavior while a student.

Talmud: “The Best of the Gentiles—Kill!”

Now, as a Jew, Loughner surely perceived himself to be the intellectual superior of others. He was, after all, one of the Chosen People. The Talmud characterizes Gentiles as less than human, even as goyim (cattle, or beasts). Moreover, the Talmud describes Gentiles as spiritually depraved beasts, unable to be redeemed. Therefore, the Talmud commands: “The best of the Gentiles—Kill!”

This is a potent message, particularly when ingested mentally by a deranged person like Loughner. Who can doubt that extreme religious dogma often has a mesmerizing effect even on the most stable of human minds. What effect, then, might such poisonous religious toxins as are found abundantly in the Talmud and Kabbalah have on the mind of an unbalanced person already filled with loathing for his fellow human beings?

At one point during his voiceover on the video, he referred to the Pima students, whom he suggested were incapable of discerning either the real world or a dream-type world. He acted out as if he were their divine king, or Lord and God, and cried, “Where is my subjects?” (The word “is” should have been “are,” but the point is taken—Loughner haughtily perceived himself as some type of lofty being, and Pima’s student body as his “subjects.”)

My thesis, then, is that in Jared Lee Loughner’s warped mind he was the Kether, the crowned, supreme God of Kabbalistic Judaism. Wearing a red G-string, he fancied he was sending a message to the initiated, for he saw himself as androgynous, a combination of both male and female, possessing a superior intellect and the divine power to create or destroy. Since his “subjects,” represented by the student body and instructors at Pima Community College, had rejected him as their royal sovereign, he would punish and destroy his insubordinate “subjects.”

Giffords Targeted

The Giffords Town Meeting provided a ready-made target, for the Congresswoman represented the authority which had been refused Loughner. We do know that Loughner had looked down on Congresswoman Giffords as a mental inferior and he boasted to friends that she had been unable to answer a question he had posed to her at a previous Town Meeting, a supposed sign of her ignorance and inferiority to his “higher” mental powers.

Another important factor to consider is that while, according to a friend of Loughner’s, Bryce Tierney, Jared Lee Loughner had said that his own mother, Amy J. Loughner, is a Jew, the Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, according to both rabbinical law and the law of Israel, is not a Jew! Giffords mother is a Gentile and her father is a Jew. But under the law, a Jew must be one solely by matriarchal descent. Having a Jewish father doesn’t make the grade. In fact, under existing Israeli law, Jared Lee Loughner is eligible to emigrate to Israel; Gabrielle Giffords is not.

And so it is conceivable that like most Orthodox and other rigid Jewish religionists, Jared Lee Loughner saw Congresswoman Giffords as less than his racial equal, even as an imposter, undeserving of her high political position and of the press’ continual portrayal of Giffords as “the first Jewish Congresswoman from the State of Arizona.”

Occult Fantasy Games, Satanic Music, and Drugs

The religious orthodoxy of Jared Lee Loughner, combined with several other facets of his life—particularly his participation in an occultic lifestyle and illegal drugs—may have been a very lethal combination.

Loughner was reportedly a devotee of occult and fantasy games, and most of these games are known to be filled with names, characters and content borrowed from the Jewish Kabbalah.

Interestingly, the skull is also a prominent item found in two popular games that Jared Lee Loughner is known to have played. He was part of both the World of Warcraft and the Diablo (Spanish for “Devil”) series gaming communities. Astonishingly, the name Kether (the Hebrew word for crown and for their Deity) is the name of a principal character in the World of Warcraft game.

Loughner was part of both the World of Warcraft and the Diablo (Spanish for “Devil”) series gaming communities.

Can we therefore put all the blame on the religion of Judaism for the horrible massacre that occurred in Tucson on January 8, 2011? Perhaps to give a definitive answer of yes would be unfair. Nor can we in fairness indict as solely responsible for Loughner’s horrendous crime the occult electronic games in which Loughner became immersed.
Jimi Hendrix performing an occultic ritual, burning his guitar on stage, while in a drug-induced state.
We also know that he was deep into satanic music, being a fan of drug user, demon-possessed musicians like guitarist Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison, lead singer of the Doors. Loughner himself is reputedly a “pothead” and user of illegal drugs. One of his girlfriends said that he was a user of hallucinogenic substances, such as salvia.

So what was the major catalyst for that awful crime committed by Jared Lee Loughner on January 8, 2011, which brought misery to so many and ignited a firestorm of political controversy?

We do know that Judaism is an unsavory and evil satanic sex cult. Of that there is no doubt. Certainly its grotesque, unholy teachings made a decidedly negative impact on the vulnerable psyche of this confused young man. Likewise, the use of marijuana and other drugs, the harm caused by satanic music, and the deviltry inherent in the wicked occult games World of Warcraft and Diablo, contributed to his unhinged mental state.

All of These Satanic Systems Are Guilty

None of these factors were helpful in the formation of Loughner’s personality, and even though perhaps we cannot prove causality in a court of law, my conclusion is that all of these satanic systems are guilty of contributing in one way or another to the carnage that occurred. If the rabbis or the fans of these debauched cultural practices wish to differ with me on this, so be it. But that’s what I say. What do you think?

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