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Special Message

Texe Marrs

Thank You For Your Gifts

We greatly appreciate your love gifts, offerings, and tithes, especially those who give to the Texas Children’s Home. Please remember to give to this wonderful cause. We recently began a mission of giving the 100+ kids at the home money for new clothes and supplies at the beginning of each school year. Wanda and I were born very poor as children, and we know what it means for kids to have adequate clothes and school supplies when they go to school. It means all the world!

We also thank you for giving to the Staff Employee’s Fund. In your giving, please don't forget the basic needs of the ministry. Some months we barely eke by, and some we actually are behind. So help us, please, to pay all our bills and keep up, won’t you? Thank you from the bottom of our heart.

Texe Marrs
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We are so very thankful to those of you who give to Power of Prophecy. You are a valued member of our end-time crusade for Truth and Righteousness on behalf of our Savior Jesus Christ. Click here for more info!

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