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The Golem Advances: Fascism, Zionism, and Corporatism

"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?"

(Revelation 13:4)

The 2007 murder of Pakistani leader Benazir Bhutto is only one of a trail of assassinations, bombings, 
Benazir Bhutto
massacres, and genocidal atrocities perpetrated by the Israeli terrorist state. Her father, Ali Bhutto, was hanged in 1978 at the insistence of the Israeli Mossad and the Ford White House, run covertly by Zionist agent Henry Kissinger.

In 1981, using U.S. aircraft and high tech surveillance, Israel’s military bombed and destroyed the Osirik Nuclear Reactor in Baghdad. Even though international inspectors had found that Baghdad’s reactor was exclusively for peaceful purposes—to provide electricity for homes and businesses, Israel refuses any other nation to have nuclear power of any kind. Hundreds of innocent civilians died in the Israeli air raids on this utility plant in Iraq.

In 1986, the CIA and the Mossad carried out a "False Flag" terrorist attack on an U.S. passenger aircraft that crashed in Lockerbie, Scotland. The Reagan Administration blamed it on Libya and its leader, Gaddafi. In "retaliation," U S. fighters bombed Gaddafi’s personal residence, killing his baby daughter and wounding his two young sons. They also bombed and destroyed most of Libya’s fledgling military establishment. Israel had insisted this be done, to prevent Libya from ever being capable of developing nuclear bombs, as unlikely as that possibility was.

Keep in mind that the bombings of Iraq in 1981 and Libya in 1986 followed after the leaders of those two countries nationalized their oil production. In effect, the attacks were carried out, first, to insure the continuing military superiority of Zionist Israel (i.e. feed The Golem); and second, as an object lesson to other Middle East politicians who might betray the interest of corporatism and Big Oil.

These, in fact, are the two primary forces moving globalism today: (1) Zionism; and (2) Corporatism, including Big Oil. What we have here, plain and simple, is the unholy marriage of Communism/Socialism (in the virulent form of satanic Zionism) and rampant, deadly Corporatism. In a word: Fascism, and that on a global scale, propelled by two diabolical world capitals—Washington, D.C. and Jerusalem/Tel Aviv.

The Golem: A World Held Hostage,
Israel's Nuclear Hell Bomb and the Road to Global Armageddon

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