Power of Prophecy

April 2012 (VOLUME 2012-04)
Published Monthly and Periodically by Power of Prophecy
1708 Patterson Rd., Austin, TX, 78733

Phone toll free: 1-800-234-9673
Our websites: www.powerofprophecy.com
and: www.conspiracyworld.com



Freemasonry and Judaism Worship the Same Egyptian Gods



Power of Prophecy Radio Program Schedule


Check out these intriguing POWER OF PROPHECY reports
(Click on
(Tape)葉o choose Cassette, or (CD)葉o choose Compact Disc)

Secrets (Volume 187) (Tape) OR (CD)

Churches and Pastors Gone Wild (Volume 5) (Tape) OR (CD)

Confessions of an Anti-Semite (Tape) OR (CD)

Mitt Romney, Mormon Skullduggery, and the Hidden Hand of the Israeli Mossad (Tape) OR (CD)

“China Will Lead the New World Order, and Americans Better Not Resist!”裕he Zionist, Communist, and Capitalist Elite Join Dirty Hands to Force the New Civilization On Us (Tape) OR (CD)

April 2012 Set (Tape) OR (CD)




(Click on (Tape)葉o choose Cassette, or (CD)葉o choose Compact Disc)

“Comrades, Eat Your Daily Rations and Be Happy”—Obama’s Rural Councils and the Bolshevist Collectivization of America’s Farms and Ranches (Tape) OR (CD)

Israeli Intelligence Assets in America (Tape) OR (CD)

Amazing Predictions and Revelations—You Heard It First From Texe Marrs...But give credit to God! (Tape) OR (CD)

Israel’s Golem Run Amok (Tape) OR (CD)

The Two Jerusalems—The Epic Clash of Civilizations in the Last Days (Tape) OR (CD)

Jesus in the Talmud—“The Cat is Out of the Bag” (Tape) OR (CD)

Occult and Masonic Symbols All Around Us—Are We Being Programmed? (Tape) OR (CD)

The Shriners: Allahs Islamic Cult Inside the Masonic Lodge (Tape) OR (CD)

Amazing Prophecies in the Book of Genesis (2-tape Set) (Tape) OR (CD)

The Missing Nine Words—The Tragic and Fateful Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Censored From Mel Gibson’s Movie, The Passion of The Christ (Tape) OR (CD)

Mormonism, Masonry, and Godhood (Tape) OR (CD)

Kosher Candidates Put Israel First—Republican Presidential Candidates (except Ron Paul) Prove to be Moral Pygmies, Unartful Liars, and Waffling Flip-Floppers as they Bow Down and Pledge Loyalty to Israel and the Zionist Agenda (Tape) OR (CD)


Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star: Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge About Israel, the Jews, Zionism, and the Rothschilds

Conspiracy World—A Truthteller’s Compendium of Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge

Mysterious Monuments—Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult Places

Codex Magica—Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati

New Age Cults and Religions

Circle of Intrigue—The Hidden Inner Circle of the Illuminati Conspiracy

Dark Majesty— The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light

Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos: The Coming Great Food Shortages in America

The Confessions of an Anti-Semite

Handbook of Practical Disaster Preparedness For the Family

SAS Survival Handbook: For Any Climate, In Any Situation

All New Square Foot Gardening

The Invention of the Jewish People

The Gods of the Lodge

The Golem—Israel’s Nuclear Hell Bomb and the Road to Global Armageddon

Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: The Classic on International Zionism

(Click on (VHS)葉o choose VHS video, or (DVD)葉o choose DVD disc)

Die America Die—The Illuminati Plan to Murder America, Confiscate Its Wealth, and Make Red China Leader of the New World Order (DVD)

Masonic Lodge Over Jerusalem—The Hidden Rulers of Israel, the Coming World War in the Middle East, and the Rebuilding of the Temple (VHS) or (DVD)



Survival Seed Vault

British Berkefeld "Big Berkey" Emergency Water Filter ($10 for Shipping/Handling)

Sangean ATS-404 AM/FM/Shortwave Radio

Kaito KA009 AM/FM/Shortwave Radio



Black Giant Print King James Bible

Burgundy Giant Print King James Bible



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Three ways to order: Order online now or, if you prefer, phone us toll free 1-800-234-9673 (Monday-Friday, 8-5 CST), or simply send check or money order to: Power of Prophecy  1708 Patterson Rd.  Austin, TX 78733 [Please include 10% for domestic shipping and handling ($5.00 Minimum) or 30% for DVDs & CDs and 50% for Books to cover international shipping and handling ($15.00 Minimum)]

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