Power of Prophecy

June 2008 (VOLUME 2008-06)
Published Monthly and Periodically by Power of Prophecy
1708 Patterson Rd., Austin, TX, 78733

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Contrived Shortages and the New Reality


Power of Prophecy Radio Program Schedule

Check out these intriguing POWER OF PROPHECY reports
(Click on
(Tape)—to choose Cassette, or (CD)—to chooseCompact Disc)

Secrets (Volume 143) (Tape) OR (CD)

Cain's Seed, Witchcraft Heresies, and the Mystery of God (Tape) OR (CD)

Everyone Will Go Hungry—The Globalist Elite Engineer Food Chaos (Tape) OR (CD)

Jesus in the Talmud—"The Cat Is Out of the Bag" (Tape) OR (CD)

Pastors and Churches Gone Wild (Volume 4) (Tape) OR (CD)

June 2008 Set (Tape) OR (CD)


(Click on (Tape)—to choose Cassette, or (CD)—to choose Compact Disc)

John McCain: Rothschild Puppet, Conservative Chameleon, Zionist Warmonger (Tape) OR (CD)

Planet Petroleum—The Great Scarcity Hoax and the Elitist Plot to Control the World by Controlling Oil (Tape) OR (CD)

"Operation Jericho;" Startling Zionist Illuminati Endtime Plot!—Man-made Jerusalem Earthquake to Plunge Middle East into Death Throes of Nuclear Catastrophe (Tape) OR (CD)

Gog, Magog, and the Scroll of Bush—Jewish Sanhedrin Honors President George W. Bush as "Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal" (Tape) OR (CD)

The Bilderbergers Decide America's Economic Future—Will They Replace the U.S. Dollar With the NAU Amero? (Tape) OR (CD)

Israel's Golem Monster Proven to Be Satan's Baphomet—Jewish Messiah Worshipped in Secret is Freemasonry's Dark "Goat of Mendes" (Tape) OR (CD)

"Jesus Is Not Israel's Messiah"—A Profile of John Hagee, Zionist Apostle of Satan in the Age of Apostasy (Tape) OR (CD)

The Coming Great Thirst—That Astonishing Day When Water Will Be No More (Tape) OR (CD)

Illuminati Alchemy—Revealing the Mystery of Iniquity as the Satanic Bind of the Double Mind (Tape) OR (CD)

That Mysterious Number 666 (Tape) OR (CD)

The Zionist Bomb—Israel and the Jews Possess Over 400 Nuclear Bombs, and They Are Planning to Use Them! (Tape) OR (CD)


Codex Magica—Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati

Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos—The Coming Great Food Shortages in America

9-11 Evil—Israel's Central Role in the Sept. 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks

The Golem: A World Held Hostage, Israel's Nuclear Hell Bomb and the Road to Global Armageddon

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

The Synagogue of Satan: The Secret History of Jewish World Domination

(Click on (VHS)—to choose VHS video, or (DVD)—to choose DVD disc)

The Coming Great Thirst—That Astonishing Day Just Ahead When Water Shall Be No More (VHS) OR (DVD)

Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos (VHS) OR (DVD)

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement (DVD Only)

Gulag USA: Concentration Campin in America (VHS) OR (DVD)

Illuminati Mystery Babylon—The Hidden Elite of Israel, America, and Russia, And Their Quest for Global Dominion (VHS) OR (DVD)

Masonic Lodge Over Jerusalem—Hidden Rulers of Israel, and the Coming Global Catastrophe (VHS) OR (DVD)


Sangean ATS-404 AM/FM/Shortwave Radio

British Berkefeld "Big Berkey" Emergency Water Filter ($10 for Shipping/Handling)


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