codex magica

Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Codex Magica, our long-awaited new book, is hot off the press! We are pleased to send you this special edition of Power of Prophecy newsletter letting you know of the major discoveries you’ll find in Codex Magica.

The new work is a massive 624 pages in length and is published in a large format. The size alone is about 2 or 3 times that of a typical paperback book. Plus, it contains over 1,000 fascinating—and revealing—photos and illustrations.

The few people who have seen parts of the finished manuscript for the new book were shocked, to say the least. Never before have so many previously unknown facts and disclosures been found in a single volume. Indeed, as one reviewer told me, "Codex Magica is mind-bending." Another person confided that after simply scanning the photographs in the book, his life is changed forever. What an amazing impact this gripping book has on people.

Your faithful support of this ministry is key to the success of our new book. Without your prayers and financial support we could not accomplish the many miraculous things God has appointed us to do. Thankfully, we continue to vigorously expose the wicked and corrupt elite of this world. We are sending free Bibles and Christian literature to missions. Our shortwave radio program is heard, and our internet sites are regularly accessed by untold thousands in every nation on earth.

In addition, our newsletter, Power of Prophecy, goes out monthly to many thousands of readers. As always, when you purchase anything at all from Power of Prophecy, we are happy to put you on our mailing list to receive our newsletter free for an initial six months. Every time you place an order, your subscription is automatically renewed.

Believe me, the evil powers that exist are working hard to put us out of business. But, with God’s blessing and your support, we will not be stopped! We sincerely thank you for your faithfulness. Our prayer is that our Lord and Saviour will abundantly bless you according to His riches in Glory.

"The righteous are bold as a lion."
Proverbs 28:1

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