Power of Prophecy

November 2016 (VOLUME 2016-11)
Published Monthly and Periodically by Power of Prophecy
1708 Patterson Rd., Austin, TX, 78733

Phone toll free: 1-800-234-9673
Our websites: www.powerofprophecy.com
and: www.conspiracyworld.com



President Hillary Clinton Will Usher in Death, Destruction, and Sin



Hillary Clinton Sends Thank You Letter to “Slut” Who Is Proud of Her Sexually Transmitted Disease



Power of Prophecy Radio Program Schedule


Check out these intriguing POWER OF PROPHECY reports
(Click on
(Tape)葉o choose Cassette, or (CD)葉o choose Compact Disc)

Secrets (Volume 240) (Tape) OR (CD)

Bush-Clinton-Obama—Three Wicked Dynasties of Satanic Corruption (Tape) OR (CD)

What To Do When the Whole World Is Against You (Tape) OR (CD)

They Were White and They Were Slaves (Tape) OR (CD)

American Babylon—The Perverse Goblin of Homosexual Deviltry (Tape) OR (CD)

November 2016 Set (Tape) OR (CD)




(Click on (Tape)葉o choose Cassette, or (CD)葉o choose Compact Disc)

Ku Klux Klan, White Supremacist, Alt-Right, Identity Preacher Says God Chose Donald Trump to Exterminate the Jews (Tape) OR (CD)

White People Must Be Suppressed, White Privilege Must End (Tape) OR (CD)

The Destroyer—The Antichrist Is At Hand (Tape) OR (CD)

Crowning Clinton (Tape) OR (CD)

America and Israel Strangle the World由ussia, China, and a Few Others Fight Back (Tape) OR (CD)

The Great Experiment—Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla, and the Amazing Light of God (Tape) OR (CD)

The Talmud, World’s Most Dangerous Book—Forbidden to Gentiles; It Will Burn Your Soul (Tape) OR (CD)

“Ein Sof”—The Supreme God of the Kabbalah and the Rise of Satan Among the Jews (Tape) OR (CD)

Should We Secede?...Is it Possible?...Is it Necessary? (Tape) OR (CD)

New World Order Assassins (Tape) OR (CD)

Protocols of Zion—Genuine, Authentic, and Important Today (Tape) OR (CD)

Dictatorship of the Neocon Jews (Tape) OR (CD)

Illuminata—The Secret New Age Occultism of Bill and Hillary Clinton (Tape) OR (CD)

The Crescent Moon, the Star and the Black Stone—Unmasking the Evils of Islam (Tape) OR (CD)


The Destroyer: The Antichrist Is At Hand

Holy Serpent of the Jews—The Rabbis’ Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion

Pastors and Churches Gone Wild!—America’s Christian Establishment Has Gone Berserk!

DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline

Big Sister Is Watching You

Robot Alchemy—Androids, Cyborgs, and the Magic of Artificial Life

Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star: Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge About Israel, the Jews, Zionism, and the Rothschilds

Conspiracy World: A Truthteller’s Compendium of Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge

Codex Magica—Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati

Mysterious Monuments: Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult Places

They Were White and They Were Slaves

Conspiracy Facts: Neocons Unmasked

Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany

New World Order Assassins


Crowning Clinton—Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be in the White House

On the Jews and Their Lies

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion—The Classic on International Zionism

The Matrix of Gog

Illuminati 3—Satanic Possession

Who Is Israel?—Yesterday, Today and Forever

(Click on (DVD)葉o choose DVD disc)

Die, America, Die! (DVD)

Hellstorm—The Video (DVD)

Cauldron of Abaddon—“From Jerusalem and Israel flow a torrent of satanic evil and mischief endangering the whole world.” (DVD)

The Sun at Midnight—Pyramids of Mystery, Temples of Blood (DVD)



AlpineAire 45-Day System for One

AlpineAire 3-Month System for One

AlpineAire 6-Month System for One

AlpineAire Beef/Poultry Module

Survival Seed Vault

British Berkefeld “Big Berkey” Emergency Water Filter ($15 for Shipping/Handling)

Sangean ATS-405 AM/FM/Shortwave Radio ($10 for Shipping/Handling)

Kaito KA009 AM/FM/Shortwave Radio



Black Giant Print King James Bible

Burgundy Giant Print King James Bible



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Three ways to order: Order online now, or, if you prefer, phone us toll free 1-800-234-9673, or 512-263-9780 (Monday-Friday, 8-5 CST). You can also simply send check or money order to: Power of Prophecy 1708 Patterson Rd. Austin, TX 78733 [Please include 10% for domestic shipping and handling ($5.00 Minimum). To cover international shipping and handling, include 40% of the cost for DVDs, Tapes & CDs, and 60% of the cost for Books ($25.00 Minimum).]

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