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Special Request

Texe Marrs

Employee Appreciation Month

Power of Prophecy is greatly blessed. To our employees, serving God and serving you gets first priority.

Will you help our employees? In past years many of you sacrificially gave for our annual employee appreciation project. Now, may we ask your assistance once again? Your special offering will go directly to our employees. I know they will be appreciative, and I’m confident that our Lord and Saviour will reward you over and above what you are able to give.

Do let us hear from you. And, when you give, please let us know what portion of your gift is going for “Employee Appreciation.” May God richly bless you for your caring, for your kind heart, and for your faithfulness to His ministry.

All God’s Best,
Texe Marrs

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Click here to show your appreciation

We are so very thankful to those of you who give to Power of Prophecy. You are a valued member of our end-time crusade for Truth and Righteousness on behalf of our Savior Jesus Christ. Click here for more info!

In Need of Prayer?

Galatians 6:2: Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. If you are in need of prayer, please email us your request and we will add you to our prayer board. — Texe, Wanda, and Staff


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