Sandra Myers
“In the beginning of a change the Patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs him nothing to be a Patriot.”
Mark Zuckerberg of Meta (Facebook, Instagram) has suddenly come to his senses. Sensing the winds of change Zuckerberg has recently suspended his “independent fact-checkers” for his social media platforms.
Like Rip Van Winkle after his long slumber, Zuckerberg has awakened to the detrimental impact of his company’s DEI woke policies and have dismissed these like yesterday’s news. As discussed in my article last month, one liberal MSNBC host also charges, these ’billionaire tech Bros are cozying up to (Trump) and going so far as to change company policies to improve their stand with the new administration.’
High tech isn’t the only place this scenario is being played out. DEI departments are being mostly eliminated (or at least greatly reduced) at such corporations as McDonald’s (hamburgers), Microsoft, Tractor Supply, John Deere, Walmart, Harley-Davidson, Ford, Coors, Boeing, Disney, Nissan, hardware chains Lowe’s and Home Depot, many prestigious universities, Southwest Airlines, even liberal news station CNN and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and more, whew!
Are these companies whose apparent common sense has returned just fair-weather converts? Or, is the new infusion of common sense based on lower financial returns since many Americans have boycotted woke companies? I am also curious whether these companies have returned to hiring and promoting based on merit. Has rational thinking returned?
Is the Woke Mind Virus Dead?
We breathe a sigh of relief that the radical left wasn’t re-elected and it feels good to bask in the glow of victory. But, have we really reached a true cultural tipping point?
The Cultural Marxist climate has retreated into the shadows—or so it seems. However, I must say: although the political climate has shifted—be warned—it is doubtful that the woke mind virus is dead. Can that genie (devil) ever be put back in it’s bottle? Most likely it just recognizes that they lost the immediate battle and need to regroup, but are hardly giving up on the war.
America Wants Sanity Back
I truly believe that a very large majority of Americans badly want a return to sanity. Let rational thought and common sense become common again. Let critical thinking be the norm rather than the woke cultural engineers, the liberal talking heads and Hollywood filling minds.
President Trump and his cabinet need to be laser-focused. For the next two years, before mid-term elections, the objective of making America great again—from the inside out—must be undiluted. There’s so much to be accomplished. Will changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico advance America or is it as much a distraction and game as the liberals renaming streets, schools and mountains to erase perceived injury?
In God We Trust
It feels that, lately, America has been wandering through a spiritual desert. Many Christians have felt intimidated, beaten down, disheartened, perhaps due to the radical liberal insanity, potential for physical harm, or the disillusionment in today’s social club church congregations as their leaders are outed for their lack of leadership or their gross sins.
“Only Christians possess true liberty, and only true Christians—not the so-called “Christian Establishment”—have the ideas and answers necessary to solve and correct society’s growing plague of criminality and moral decay. We are falsely accused of being “haters,” and we are unfairly branded as “fringe lunatics,” but so what? God’s people in the past have been called worse. Although the prevailing cultural leaders in politics, entertainment, and the media are insistent we shut up and take seats in the back of the bus, we should do exactly as the scriptures command us—cry mightily with a strong voice and always be BOLD!”
Accounts of revival are recorded throughout time—Old Testament, New Testament and in modern history. And it happens at some of the lowest times in society. America has been pretty low.
It is up to we, who have kept the faith and remained close to Jesus through the buffeting, to make the most of these winds of change. God’s true church must lead.
The sanity, common sense, and rational thinking that Americans and the world are hungry for are all found in our Holy Bible. Perhaps God is allowing a small door to be opened to facilitate BIG things to happen spiritually. I implore you to encourage the spiritually timid and reach out to the lost. Jesus lives!
I also encourage you to keep President Trump covered in prayer. He’s a far from perfect man but the Bible is full of imperfect men whom God used mightily. Trump undoubtedly has misplaced loyalties, but let Trump reflect and be ever mindful of God’s preservation of his life for His purpose. 