codex magica

Special Report

Texe Marrs

The Truth About Israel, Corruption, and The Golem

What is the truth about Zionist Israel and its murderous conduct on behalf of the Jews' cabalistic dream of world conquest?

The truth is, Israel was founded in 1948 by Jewish terrorists connected to the Stern and Irgun gangs. Israel's earliest political leaders were avowed communists who sought—and still seek—a Leninist/Marxist utopia, to be ruled, of course, by a divine Jewish king. Their aspirations were fully supported by Meyer Lansky and other Jewish Mafia thugs in the United States.

These gangster elements, through the decades, have used sex, bribery, and money to corrupt America's Presidents and other politicians. As a result, the United States and its European allies have regularly fed The Golem and have transformed tiny, bankrupt and incompetent socialist Israel into a Modern Sparta, bristling with nuclear bombs, missiles and nuclear-capable aircraft.

The Golem monster grows more gargantuan with each passing day, terrifying and threatening not only any would-be rivals in the Middle East, but the whole world with devastating nuclear destruction. No wonder God warned that Israel, in bondage to Satan, would be a "Wild Man" wreaking death and havoc through war and conflict (Galatians 4:22-31; Genesis 21: 9-21 and 16:10-12).

The Golem: A World Held Hostage,
Israel's Nuclear Hell Bomb and the Road to Global Armageddon

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The Golem: A World Held Hostage, Israel's Nuclear Hell Bomb and the Road to Global Armageddon
The Golem: A World Held Hostage, Israel's Nuclear Hell Bomb and the Road to Global Armageddon


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