Power of Prophecy

May 2022 (VOLUME 2022-05)
Published Monthly and Periodically by Power of Prophecy
4819 R.O. Dr. Ste. 102, Spicewood, TX, 78669

Phone toll free: 1-800-234-9673
email: prophecy@texemarrs.com
Our websites: www.powerofprophecy.com
and: www.conspiracyworld.com



Whosoever Will—Let Him Take the Water of Life Freely



Turning God’s Creation Into a New York Stock Exchange Commodity



Power of Prophecy Radio Program Schedule


Check out these intriguing POWER OF PROPHECY reports
(Click on
(Tape)—to choose Cassette, or (CD)—to choose Compact Disc)

Secrets (Volume 306) (Tape) OR (CD)

Disney Has Been Evil For a Long Time (Tape) OR (CD)

Information Overload (Volume 4) (Tape) OR (CD)

Ukraine is Not A Victim (Tape) OR (CD)

Analysis Paralysis—The Constant Assault by the Media to Fill Your Mind, Control Your Thoughts and Make You Numb (Tape) OR (CD)

May 2022 Set (Tape) OR (CD)




(Click on (Tape)—to choose Cassette, or (CD)—to choose Compact Disc)

Climate Change Trumps Your Pocketbook (Tape) OR (CD)

Puppetocracy in Ukraine—Who’s Pulling the Strings? (Tape) OR (CD)

Young Global Leaders—Incubator to the Great Reset (Tape) OR (CD)

Idiocracy (Volume 3)—News of the Absurd and Ridiculous (Tape) OR (CD)

Is Patriotism Making a Comeback? (Tape) OR (CD)

Which One Is Right? (Tape) OR (CD)

Crimes Against Humanity—Will These Evil Doers Ever Be Prosecuted? (Tape) OR (CD)

It’s Good to Be Elite—Rules For Thee But Not For Me (Tape) OR (CD)

The Rise of Orwellian Doublespeak (2-Hour Set) (Tape) OR (CD)

From Judaism to Jesus: Brother Nathanael’s Testimony (Tape) OR (CD)

Who Is Israel? Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (Tape) OR (CD)

Covid-19 and the Agendas to Come (Tape) OR (CD)

Ending Plague (Tape) OR (CD)

World’s Top Scientists and Researchers Confirm: DNA of Today’s “Jews” Has No Israelite Genes (Tape) OR (CD)

The Called, The Chosen, The Faithful (3-Hour Set) (Tape) OR (CD)

Which Bible Would Jesus Use? (Tape) OR (CD)

Climate Bogeyman (Tape) OR (CD)


Psychopaths: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Voices from the Dead—Rituals and Hidden Worship of the Masonic Lodge

DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline

Holy Serpent of the Jews

Conspiracy World—A Truthteller’s Compendium of Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge

Pastors and Churches Gone Wild!

The Octopus

Which One Is Right?: The King James Bible vs. the Pre-Tribulation Rapture

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Which Bible Would Jesus Use?—The Bible Version Controversy Explained and Resolved

The Plot Against Christianity

Climate Bogeyman

Planet Rothschild (Volume 1—1763-1939): The Forbidden History of the New World Order

Planet Rothschild (Volume 2—World War 2 through 2015): The Forbidden History of the New World Order

Planet Rothschild: The Forbidden History of the New World Order (2-Book Set)

Who Is Israel? Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Behind Communism

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

On the Jews and Their Lies

(Click on (DVD)—to choose DVD disc)

Covidland Episode 2: The Mask (DVD)

Covidland Episode 1: The Lockdown (DVD)



My Patriot Supply 3-Month System for One

My Patriot Supply 6-Month System for One

My Patriot Supply 1-Year System for One

My Patriot Supply Meat Module

British Berkefeld “Big Berkey” Emergency Water Filter ($15 for Shipping/Handling)

Heirloom Seeds (Please select $10 for Shipping/Handling or online order may be delayed)

Sangean ATS-405 AM/FM/Shortwave Radio ($10 for Shipping/Handling)

Kaito KA500 AM/FM/Shortwave Radio


Black Giant Print King James Bible

Burgundy Giant Print King James Bible



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Three ways to order: Order online now, or, if you prefer, phone us toll free 1-800-234-9673, or 512-263-9780 (Monday-Friday, 8-5 CST). You can also simply send check or money order to: Power of Prophecy 4819 R. O. Dr., Ste. 102 Spicewood, TX 78669.

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