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Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report
Hollywood is really into the Kabbalah. Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Diane Ladd and a host of other stars have dabbled in it. I got a chuckle out of the recent cover of Paranoia magazine that pictured Madonna as sort of a kabbalistic witch. Very clever, and appropriate. Madonna, an Italian-American with supposed Catholic roots, is a big promoter today of “tabloid” kabbalism.
Not only has Hollywood fallen madly in love with Kabbalah. In Codex Magica, I have photos of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, globalist banker David Rockefeller, U.S. Senator Charles Schumer and horror novelist Stephen King, all presenting what I believe to be kabbalistic hand signs.
As remarkable as it may seem, Kabbalah has even gained a foothold today among many evangelical Christians. The Jerry Falwell—John Hagee—James Dobson—Pat Robertson—types. Having first embraced Jewish political zionism, a natural progression has been to move on into Judaic religious practices. Some evangelical Christians now call themselves “Messianics,” and anything that they perceive as “Jewish” appeals to them. They wear the Star of David as jewelry around their necks, holy dance in a circle, exchange “shaloms,” observe Jewish feasts and holy days, and enthusiastically quote from the Talmud and the Kabbalah’s Zohar. As Jesus once said “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.”
Roots Traced Back to Babylon and Egypt
The Kabbalah has Jewish roots that can be traced all the way back to Babylon and Egypt where the Israelites once sojourned and, consequently, borrowed from the ancient Mystery Religions in those cultures. Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy’s famous Vulcan greeting is a kabbalistic sign which is taken from the letter “shin” of the Hebrew alphabet.
However, though the Kabbalah sprang from these ancient sources and was further developed and propagated by the Jews, this evil system of witchcraft and magic is at the very foundation of virtually every Illuminati occult group in existence. Its sorcery is the ceremonial and doctrinal basis for Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, even the Church of Satan.
The late Albert Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite Lodge, wrote in his Masonic classic, Morals and Dogma, that he was “filled with admiration” for the Jewish Kabbalah.
The ritual for the 30th degree of Scottish Rite Masonry is full of kabbalistic trappings. It is called the Knights of Kadosh degree and it comes complete with black curtains, skulls, a coffin, and a shrouded knight from the underworld.
Kabbalistic masters spend decades studying the arcane intricacies of the Tree of Life and its hidden alchemical reverse, the Tree of Death. The Hollywood types merely dent the surface. They are sort of like Shirley Maclaine and her very laughable New Age teachings. The true adepts laugh at Madonna, Britney, and Michael Jackson—and take advantage of their fame, celebrity, and money. There are many shysters and sham rabbis around today in the crowded field of Kabbalah magic.
The Hidden Depths of Kabbalah
The wannabes in Kabbalah have little or no understanding of what lies in the deep and dark, murderous depths of Kabbalah. They do not realize that behind its glittery, gossamer surface lies such malevolent intent. If properly understood, it must be revealed that the Great Work of the Illuminati is being fulfilled through the alchemical syntheses being worked through Kabbalah.
The ultimate objective of Kabbalah, despite the vain and empty denials of many of its advocates, is the utter destruction of all matter, of mankind itself. Annihilation. The Oroboros serpent encircling and strangling humanity. Creative destruction, the wicked satanic kabbalists call it.
Many of the planet’s great sadistic mass murderers have been kabbalists—Marx and Trotsky, for example. Adam Weishaupt, 18th century founder of the Order of the Illuminati, was a Mason, a Jesuit, and a kabbalist. I’m afraid that today, the kabbalistic doctrines hold sway in the capitalist capitols—in Washington, D.C., in London, Rome, and Tel Aviv. The neocon cabal is a veiled and shadowy demonstration of it. They actually want to plunge the world into nuclear catastrophe and chaos. A fiery chaos and destruction atop which they hope to build their new, occult utopian Order of the Ages. It’s a frightening prospect, and so far, it has been successful.
In effect, the religion of the Illuminati is the black magic religion of Kabbalah. The tenets of this diabolical system define the totalitarian political, economic, and social goals of the Illuminati. That is why I devote a lot of attention to it in my exposé book, Codex Magica. 