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Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Texe Marrs

The Most Destructive and Evil Doctrine in All the Jewish Kabbalah and Talmud

Holy Serpent of the Jews

“The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition…”

Revelation 17:8

A few years ago I was privileged to speak at a Conspiracy Conference in San Jose, California. My topic, “President Obama and the Jewish Conspiracy,” was well received by the audience, except for one irate conference attendee, a Jew. This well-dressed gentleman came up to me after I had spoken and was he ever angry.

    Pointing his finger in my face, he screamed, “How dare you say such ridiculous things about God’s Chosen People!” Scrunching his face, he went on to tell me I would be punished and that I would “roast in hell” for my evil words about the Jews.

    Taking advantage of a brief interlude to his continuing barrage of outrage, I interjected, “Sir, you say that the Jews are a superior race to others. May I ask, why do you say that? Who made them superior? Didn’t the Jews, like the Gentiles, originate in the Garden of Eden? Are the Jews, then, not of normal human DNA?”

Jews Are the “People of the Serpent”

Not batting an eye, the man answered, and, frankly, his answer set me aback for a moment. “We are not the same,” he said. “Jews are a separate species. We were put on this planet by super-intelligent reptilians from another dimension. Our rabbis say that we Jews are the People of the Serpent.”

    “Even you Christians have admitted how wise and intelligent is our God, the Holy Serpent.”

    The Holy Serpent? Was this Jewish man actually claiming to serve a Serpent deity? Was he confessing that it was this Holy Serpent who first “seeded” the Jewish people on earth and that the Jews were, therefore, chosen as his people—the “People of the Serpent?”

    Yes, that was exactly what he was telling me. And what he said caused me to initiate a great search for the truth about today’s strange doctrines being taught by Jewish rabbis.

    Is this a weird teaching accepted by only a few rabbis? Or is the Holy Serpent doctrine a widespread teaching universally held by most Jews, though unreported to the Gentile world?

My Newest Book: Holy Serpent of the Jews

The result of my quest for knowledge has resulted in my newest book, Holy Serpent of the Jews. In fact, the most important of the various Jewish sects does speak of the Jews’ birth and existence inside a huge, supernatural Serpent. According to Professor Israel Shahak of the Hebrew University in Israel, as explained in his outstanding book, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, many, if not most, religious Jews honor this Serpent god and even pray to it.

    Rabbi Joel Bakst, in 2007, published an article, Journey to the Center of the Torah—The Secrets in the Serpent’s Belly, in which he claims that, “The Primordial Holy Serpent” is the “source of the highest good.”

    Bakst maintains that the Holy Serpent brings with him certain “concealed light,” serpentine energy that is destined to propel man to godhood. He is, then, to the Jews a very sacred beast. This teaching, says Bakst, is a feature of the Jewish Kabbalah, and it was first discussed in the Kabbalah school of one of Judaism’s most famous and scholarly rabbis, the Gaon of Vilna.


Sculptor Tomas Medek produced this giant steel serpent. Medek says his creation is inspired by mysticism and religion and symbolizes the “spirit of the world.” Uroboros, was unveiled in July 2008 in Rennes, France.

    The Gaon of Vilna further taught in the Zohar that the “worldly and profane serpent” would, in messianic times, when the Messiah of the Jews has come, “be redeemed and revealed in all of its glory and awesomeness.”

Leviathan, Jewish New Year post card, Alain Roth, artist. The word written in Hebrew at the bottom of the card is Leviathan.

The Holy Serpent: Savior of the Jews

The Holy Serpent moves and slithers in the Tree of Life, the rabbis say. He is now inside the bottomless pit but is seeking his way out. In the future he will emerge, ascend and prove to be the savior of the Jews. He is today the helpmate and wise advisor of the Jews, but shall someday rise up out of the abyss like a Phoenix bird to create a New World and to “regenerate humanity.”

    The Holy Serpent, then, is at the very core of Jewish eschatology. He is at the center of Judaism’s teachings regarding the end-times when the Jews are expected to be triumphant kings on planet earth. This will be a most happy era for the Jews and its coming is sometimes celebrated by the sending of “Happy New Year” cards picturing the Oroboros, a gigantic snake, encircling and embracing the planet earth.

    It should be apparent why Jews rarely, if ever, explain these things in everyday conversation. They are concerned of course, of the horrors of their leaders’ teachings on the Holy Serpent, and how Gentiles will respond to such bizarre and wicked teachings.

The rabbis teach that the crowned Holy Serpent will produce the desired Messiah/Child. Christians believe this serpent to be the prophesied Antichrist.

    The average Christian pastor or minister knows absolutely nothing about the Holy Serpent or the other insane doctrines of the Kabbalah and Talmud. He or she believes only that the Jews worship the God Jehovah, the I AM of the Old Testament.

    In fact the Jewish high “God” is not Jehovah at all, but is named “Ein Sof,” and the Jews neither worship nor pray to this mysterious, ineffable “God.” Instead they pray to one of the many gods and goddesses of the Tree of Life, or directly to Satan and Lucifer.

The Synagogue of Satan and the Holy Serpent

In Holy Serpent of the Jews, I explore these mind-numbing doctrines of today’s Jewish rabbis and their congregations. For the first time, you, a Gentile, can know of what the rabbis teach in their secretive “Synagogue of Satan.”

    Be prepared, however, for the shock of your life. You will finally understand why our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, branded the most wicked of the Jews as “serpents” and “vipers,” and said to the Jews, “Your father is the devil.”

    Christ was not, as some believe, being cruel and overly harsh in his assessment of Judaism and the teachings of the rabbis. He was sounding a great warning for them and for you and me.

    Beware the teachings of the Pharisees for their religion is not of God but is made up of destructive “man-made traditions.” And one of those traditions—the most destructive of all—is that of the Holy Serpent of the Jews.  

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Holy Serpent of the Jews

Holy Serpent of the Jews

Today, we are on the threshold of a horrifying new epoch of Jewish history. Now, comes the Holy Serpent, slithering from his fiery abode in hell to wreak havoc upon humanity. Jesus once declared, “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers. How can ye escape the damnation of hell?”

Amazingly, the Jews have proven to be exactly what Jesus prophesied. They are the People of the Serpent, unregenerated hypocrites whose religion is unparalleled in its treachery, its wickedness, and its unbounded filth. The Kabbalah and the Talmud, authored by the rabbis, are the very code of hell, the doctrines of devils.

On the surface, the Jews appear to be pious, humanitarian, charitable, and good. The very picture of saintly human beings, God’s Chosen. But appearances are deceiving. The evil spirits of those who once worshiped Moloch, who fashioned a golden calf in the desert, and who tortured and tormented Jesus Christ are back, and the whole world is in jeopardy.

224 Pages ~ Texe Marrs ~ $20.00

On The Jews And Their Lies

High Priests of War

Martin Luther, one of the greatest champions of the Christian faith ever to live, wrote this amazing book to warn Christians of the darkness of the Jewish religion.

As a young man, Luther befriended Jews and invited rabbis into his home. He even wrote a book advising Christians to be kind and loving to Jews. However, later in life, Luther learned of the true teachings of the Jews. He discovered that Judaism was rife with hatred and blasphemy toward Jesus and Christianity.

In the Babylonian Talmud, Luther found horrible lies about Jesus and his mother, Mary. The Talmud claims Jesus is a bastard, a liar, a drunk, and a sex magician who as a criminal deserved to die. His mother, Mary, is alleged to have been a filthy whore who conceived Jesus after illegitimate sex with Roman soldiers.

Luther clearly understood that these terrible doctrines and lies could not stand unopposed. This is Luther’s magnificent defense of Jesus the Messiah and his exposé of the unfounded lies and accusations of the rabbis.

240 Pages ~ Martin Luther ~ $20.00

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