codex magica

Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Texe Marrs

A Letter From Our Business
Administrator, Sandra Schappert

Sandra Schappert is now Sandra Myers! The precious Christian woman
who has been an important part of this ministry for years is now married and has departed for Denver, Colorado, with her husband, Rich. Wanda and I and the entire staff will terribly miss Sandra, but we are confident God will continue to use her in marvelous ways. Sandra asked that this letter (below) be published in Power of Prophecy.




Dearest Friends,

For almost eight years, it has been my pleasure to be here at Power of Prophecy Ministries serving our glorious Saviour and also, serving you, our readers and listeners. As Business Administrator, I write this letter to share with you my joy, and yes, even some sorrow.

My joy is that I was just married in late August to a precious, wonderful man who loves the Lord. Sadly, this means that I am leaving Power of Prophecy Ministries. My husband and I will reside in the Denver, Colorado area.

I cannot even begin to express the wonderful changes in my life that have occurred since coming to Power of Prophecy Ministries. Through the Lord's guidance, and Texe and Wanda's living witness, most importantly, I came to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.

Upon arrival in the Denver area, I am starting a new business as a publishing/self-publishing consultant, print broker, and distributor. We want to help good Christian writers get published. Be on the lookout for our Ambassador Press. We may even begin a "Christian/Patriot/Common Sense" newsletter.

Although I haven't had the pleasure of talking with each of you, I wish to thank all of you for your kindness, your love and your prayers for this ministry and for me. You have truly been a blessing to me.

I ask that you continue to remember Power of Prophecy Ministries in your prayers and finances. Although God sometimes allows Satan to get his arrows through, your prayers have provided a much needed hedge of protection for all of us here at the ministry. I look forward to meeting each of you in heaven one day soon. Until then, I am—

Yours in Jesus Christ,

Sandra Myers

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