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Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report
“To communicate anything to a Gentile about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Gentiles knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”
I have been working very hard for several months on a new book to be published this coming January. The book, entitled Blood Covenant With Destiny, is the amazing account of the Jews throughout history—including the future. It chronicles the astounding rise and fall of the prophesied Synagogue of Satan.
The Synagogue of Satan is mentioned twice in the Bible:
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
“Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”
“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”
The Synagogue of Satan plays a central role in Bible prophecy; it is used by Satan to persecute the Christian Church, murdering many and focusing on control of the religious, political, and economic systems of the whole world. But, how is it possible this tiny fragment of the total population—less than 1 percent—can attain such power?
The answer can only be that Satan and his dark angels provide the Jews the motivation, the ambition, and the tools needed to control the wheels of mankind.
There have been in past history other nations and peoples who played a part in exercising global power far beyond their size and population. We recall, for example, Greece, Rome, and Great Britain, each of which had minuscule populations but were successful militarily, culturally, and politically far beyond their borders. The Bible says that it will soon be the role of Israel and the Jewish people to do so. In fact, they already do have great powers, using other, greater nations as proxies and pawns.
Revealing Judeo-Masonic Secrets
General Erich von Ludendorff
In researching Blood Covenant With Destiny, I have been privileged to review three works related to this topic. First, the fascinating 1927 textbook published in Germany by General Erich von Ludendorff, entitled The Destruction of Freemasonry Through Revelation of Their Secrets.
Ludendorff, a great World War I German military leader, set up an organization after that war to unravel the secrets of the Masonic Lodge. A German patriot, he was also one of the first to oppose Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. He warned against Hitler, being able to see through Hitler’s fraud. At the same time, Ludendorff was uncanny in his ability to figure out Freemasonry, which he saw as equally dangerous, both to Germany and to world peace. If Ludendorff had lived (he died in 1937), we may have been able to avoid World War II.
An authority on both the Talmud and the Kabbalah of the Jews, Ludendorff was able to discern that world Freemasonry was, in fact, a Jewish institution. It worked behind the scenes in governments, pulling the levers of power, and causing wars whenever favorable for Jewry. He states:
“The mystery of Freemasonry is everywhere the Jew himself. The German, but also the member of any other race, must only come to see it. Other nations are likewise affected.”
Ludendorff says that, “The Jewish people themselves, of course, know only too well what is concealed in Freemasonry.” He quotes Rabbi Dr. Isaac M. Wise as explaining:
“Freemasonry is a Jewish Establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”
The purpose of global Judaism in exercising control over Masonic Lodges is its long-held plan to effect World Government, which General Ludendorff says the Jews are very close to establishing. He notes the Jewish takeover of the gigantic Soviet Union and says their immediate goal is to foment a war to extinguish Germany. First Moscow, then Berlin.
Secret Powers Behind Revolutions
In his book, Freemasonry and Judaism—Secret Powers Behind Revolution, Vicomte Léon de Poncins offers similar insights and proofs. He centers in on Masonic treachery inside France and demonstrates its world-wide influence. “Freemasonry,” de Poncins writes, “is a body of superimposed secret societies spread throughout the world.” Its aim, he says, is to “destroy the present civilization based on Christian principles.” He ominously adds:
“People will laugh at this, and say that it does not in the least proceed from the Jews...was the late James de Rothschild of Paris a bad man? We are speaking about Judaism and the Jewish idea which has monopolized the whole world.
“Judaism and the banks now reign over all...the whole of civilization and socialism, especially over socialism, for with its help Judaism will root out Christianity and destroy Christian culture.”
The New Babylon
The third book I have examined carefully was written by my good friend, the late Michael Collins Piper, who wrote for the American Free Press. Entitled, The New Babylon—Those Who Reign Supreme, it is about the “historical, religious, and economic origins of the New World Order.”
In his book, Piper notes that the State of Israel today is “a citadel of Judaism, a haven of refuge...where dwell only two million of the world’s twelve million Jews.” The diaspora, particularly the United States of America, still remains the universal soul of Judaism.
It is from this nexus, the U.S.A., that world Jewry works to exert its will on the world. The United States has emerged today as “The New Jerusalem,” he writes, and the Jews expertly wield power—often great secret power—from this tremendous power reservoir.
A tiny minority of powerful elite control the United States, says Piper, not the general population. Control the wheel of the vehicle and it turns in the desired direction, he notes.
This elite, writes Piper, constitute the “power behind the scenes, and those in political office know very well who these elite power brokers are. They are able to make American Presidents and politicians and they are able to break them.” “But,” he emphasizes, “they can be stopped.”
Prophecy Never Fails
The books and writings of these three excellent authorities, and many more, will be covered in my upcoming title, Blood Covenant With Destiny. These insights are important to us as we seek to understand the world around us in The Age of Donald Trump. Like Michael Collins Piper, I too, believe that the Jewish Power can be stopped, and it will be! I have for assurance the prophetic Word of God, and it never fails. 