Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Jerry Barrett

California has given us a glimpse into the future of...

Green New Ordeal

“So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are... Defile not therefore the land which ye shall inhabit”

Numbers 35:33-34

For three decades the controlled media have used scare tactics to sell climate change. Political support and hundreds of millions of dollars have been funneled to boost this agenda. It is a cult-like group of pseudo-scientists.

    Michael Shellenberger, a well-known and respected environmental activist, recently penned an apology for perpetuating this hoax. Forbes.com published his article, but quickly removed it and censored this eye-opening admission. Shellenberger’s reason for coming clean? The brainwashing occurring with our children. Twenty percent of British children surveyed admitted to nightmares about climate change and the end of the world.

    Many children who have been traumatized by this propaganda are unable to enjoy the outdoors. There is a lack of appreciation of nature and understanding of how it works. When one considers the magnitude of this dilemma, you will reach the conclusion that without a basic understanding, there can be no proper stewardship.

Climate Change Power Grab

As with those who doubt the veracity of the holocaust are ridiculed and labeled, so are those who deny the so-called “experts” on climate change will be denigrated with impunity. The green cult attacks through slanderous attacks by the puppets of controlled media. The indoctrination of our youth ratchets upward, heedless of the damage they are causing.

Green New Ordeal Partners Gavin Newsom, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Joe Biden

California Governor Gavin Newsom (left) is living with the true impact of extreme environmental “protection.” If Joe Biden is elected president, he plans to implement most of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s draconian Green New Deal across the nation.

    Politicians have latched onto this hoax in an all out power grab. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) loudly proclaimed, “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.” She proudly launched the George Soros-backed “Green New Deal.”

    Climate studies have shown periods of cooling and warming. It is an ever-changing cycle that is not controlled by man. We should take comfort in what we are taught in Genesis 8:22: “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”

    Unfortunately, many have a god-complex wherein they believe they are smarter than our Heavenly Father. These power-hungry individuals gain a bully pulpit and influence others to join their cult. This diseased thought spreads quickly, and with proper financial backing, envelops the planet.

    Renewable energy is one of the many buzzwords utilized by these climate hoaxsters. The use of sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat are looked at as saviors to “fossil fuels.” However, potential hazardous affects are overlooked by enviro-whackos in their zeal to propagate this agenda.

Electric Car
Electric Cars

In reality, there is no energy system that is renewable. Machines rely on continued mining and processing of raw materials. Take, for instance, a glance at an electric car. On the surface it sounds like a grand idea. But, when one examines the process needed to create this green car, the end result is a slap to the face. Electric vehicles still produce greenhouse gases from their brakes, tires, and the factories that build them. The battery of an electric car weighs in at a staggering one thousand pounds.

    At the rare earth mine in Jiangxi, China, miners dig eight-foot holes and pour ammonium sulfate to dissolve the clay. This muck is a hauled out, put through several acid baths and then baked in a kiln. The rare minerals left are used in electric cars, while the unused portion, contaminated with toxic chemicals, is put back into the environment. With an increase in demand for electric vehicles (EV), the planet’s minerals face a finite time before exhaustion.

    The batteries in these cars have to be recharged. Is it as clean as a gasoline-powered car? The numbers do not back up this claim. If the electricity comes from a coal-fired power plant, an EV emits about fifteen ounces of CO2 for every mile driven, while a gasoline-powered car emits only three ounces.

    Likewise, batteries eventually wear out. We’ve all experienced that shrill beeping at 2 am because the 9-volt battery in the smoke alarm has failed. Many components that make up a battery are not recyclable and thus end up in our landfills. Is this environmentally friendly?

Wind Turbines
Wind Turbines

Another renewable energy source that has gained popularity is wind turbines. You can see clusters of them on mesas and mountains. As the wind blows the blades rotate, generating electricity. This seems like a great idea, on the surface. However, there are mechanical parts which wear out over time, and the strength and amount of wind are ever changing.

    One glaring defect of the wind turbines is the affect it has on migratory birds. Approximately 234,000 birds a year are killed by the blades. Eagles and hawks are the most impacted species. Tree bats have had their population decreased as well, and is a concern to scientists. There have been some reports that state these turbines are turned off during the migration season, thus generating no electricity.

    The blades of the turbine span up to 260 feet and weigh an average of 36 tons. Old or broken blades pose a difficult disposal problem. Currently there are two common disposal methods for turbine blades—burning them or throwing them in a landfill. More than 720,000 tons of blade material will be disposed of over the next 20 years. Turbine blades tend to be made from composite glass or carbon material. Unlike steel and copper, these materials are not as valuable when recycled.

Solar Panels
Solar Panels

Solar energy is the fastest growing form of renewable energy. Its environmental impact is not as harmful as wind turbines and hydro-electric dams. However, hardware eventually wears out and has to be disposed of. Many types of solar panels are non-recyclable. The quantity of worn-out solar panels could constitute twice today’s total global plastic waste by 2050.

California’s Green Ordeal

California rushed to replace fossil fuel energy sources with renewables in pursuit of the “Green New Deal.” In 2018, then-Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a bill presented by a Democrat-dominated state legislature requiring the state to obtain 100% of its energy from renewables by 2045.

    California has been retiring its more traditional forms of energy production. Power plants using natural gas, which is abundant and reliable, have been replaced with progressive alternatives. More gas-fired power plants are set to close in the coming years and the San Onofre nuclear power plant has been shuttered as well.

    California is arguably the most ambitious green state in the union. Unfortunately for its residents, California’s renewable energy industry overestimated how much power they could deliver. This was on glaring display during an extensive heatwave. Rolling blackouts occurred as energy consumption exceeded available energy resources.

    Officials claimed that cloud cover impeded the ability of solar farms to produce electricity, and that winds had been too calm to generate electricity from the turbines. Ironically, the left-wing media blames the heat wave and energy crisis on “climate change.”

Shared Misery of the Green Ordeal

This shared misery faces every American should the Democrats gain control of the House, Senate, and the White House. The progressive ideals of the Green New Deal will be an ordeal we must navigate on a daily basis. Our country will move backwards as if we have not yet discovered electricity.

    Governor Gavin Newsom (D) has tragically realized that renewable energy is a pipe dream. He was forced to admit that the state needed backup and insurance because green energy sources are not reliable enough. California is a failed experiment which has proven this progressive idea is a Green New Ordeal.

    We have been appointed as stewards of our planet. It is up to us to use sound judgment and reason, ever mindful of those under our dominion. Seek His counsel.  

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