Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report
Our nation is rife with problems. The controlled media are quick to point out each flaw in the fabric of our nation. Protesters are being paid to march. Some have even been transported in to ensure a sizeable turnout to warrant air time on the big three networks along with other left-leaning cable news networks.
With the explosion of social media, the pound sign—#—was given a new title: Hashtag. In short, this symbol is the social media equivalent to a grouping of like-minded posts. It first became prevalent on Twitter, allowing individuals from around the world to post supporting comments, pictures, et al, to fellow protesters globally.
Poster advertising the original protest Occupy Wall Street. It looks so noble by this ad. Nearby mountains of garbage and sewage were left behind.
#Occupy Movement
Protests have become the norm in today’s society. The first that comes to mind is the #Occupy movement which occurred in 2011 in Zuccotti Park in New York City’s Wall Street financial district. Entitled Occupy Wall Street, this progressive movement protested against worldwide economic inequality. The main target was the wealthiest 1% and the influence of corporations on government.
The Occupy movement eventually splintered into separate endeavors. Some spread to City Halls around the country, while others targeted CNN because of their lack of coverage for Bernie Sanders during the 2016 Presidential elections. Recently #OccupyICE protests have cropped up in support of illegal aliens and sanctuary cities, demanding the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency be shuttered.
The Black Lives Matter movement was created in the wake of the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. The premise behind this movement is the belief that there is a devaluation of black lives. The movement held its first protest in 2014 after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri by a police officer. The George Soros-backed Open Society Foundation helped sponsor activities that occurred in Ferguson. The ensuing riots, which cost upwards of $20 million in damages, led to looting, arson, and complete anarchy. Many small businesses never returned because of the severity of losses.
This also spawned other movements such as, #AllLivesMatter and #PoliceLivesMatter. Ironically, the number of young black men who are murdered by other young black men each year in Chicago has not prompted a #BlackLivesMatter protest.
At the time of this writing, over 375 murders have occurred in Chicago this year. There have been no marches to Chicago’s City Hall demanding Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the city step up safety and security in their neighborhoods.
The #MeToo movement brought to the forefront sexual harassment and sexual assault within the workplace. The drawback to this movement would be false accusations destroying the reputation of an innocent victim. Prevalent for many years in Hollywood—known as the “casting couch”—sexual harassment and abuse also occurs in academia, church, the music industry, and politics.
The legislative branch of our federal government has been a bastion of these types of abuses. The Office of Compliance mediated complaints against congressmen and senators, taking months to conclude cases, and then any settlement payments made were done so with our taxpayer funds! Over $15 million has been spent over the last decade.
Trump Derangement Syndrome
The acute paranoia known colloquially as Trump Derangement Syndrome became manifest in progressive, left-leaning, seemingly “normal” people. The election of Hillary Clinton as President appeared to be a sure thing. Main Stream Media prognosticators had swelled with delight at the impending defeat of the repugnant Trump. Alas, these results were not to be as the disenfranchised appeared in record numbers to support someone who had connected with them.
A day after the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States, a Women’s March was held in Washington, D.C. Funny-looking pink hats adorned men and women’s heads. The mantra for this protest was to “create a society in which women are able to care for and nurture their families however they are formed, free from structural impediments.”
The #WomensMarch, in Washington, D.C., on January 21, 2017. (Photo: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters)
With Trump in office, it seems that the amount of protests and citizen activists have exploded in numbers. One can hardly turn on the news without seeing a horde of people protesting one ill or another. Rallies related to immigration, LGBT rights, and others pop up in cities around the country.
The Church Is Not Immune
The church is not immune to social justice warriors. Liberalism in the church has been around for centuries. The newest buzzword is “intersectionality.”
Intersectionality focuses on the intersection of race and gender and has been used as a framework to show how “systems of oppression” do not affect individuals independently but tend to “intersect” in ways that affect some individuals more than others.
For example, consider the experiences of a black man, a white woman, and a black woman. The black man may have been oppressed by racism, but he has the privilege of being a man. A white woman may be oppressed by a man holding the power, but she has the privilege of being white. However, the black woman is at the intersection of racism and a system run by men, thus she suffers more oppression than the others.
In this system of thought, the more victimized the individual the more moral authority he or she supposedly has and should be given. However, this system is in conflict with the Bible.
When you become a born again Christian, your identity is rebuilt around Jesus. The Apostle Peter tells us that, “ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people” (1 Peter 2:9). Peter continues in verse 11: “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.”
Intersectionality also includes gender identity and sexual expression as an oppression. It insists that homosexual practice must be promoted. However, the Bible condemns this action:
“And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet... God gave them over to a reprobate mind... Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness... Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death” (Romans 1:27-32).
There are many problems in the world today. Most of them are the result of man worshiping man. We no longer carry the Word in our hearts and minds. New Bible versions permeate the landscape without heed to consequences.
John, in the book of Revelation wrote: “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book” (Revelation 22:18-19).
These surely are the last days. The great falling away of the church is ever present. Let those with eyes to see and ears to hear take up the mantel and spread the gospel around the globe in earnestness. The end assuredly draweth nigh. 