Thought Police, Big Brother, Orwellian. These words
have become part of our national vocabulary because of George Orwell’s classic novel, 1984,
the story of one man’s nightmare odyssey through a world ruled by warring states and a power
structure that controls not only information, but individual thought and memory. A minor functionary named
Winston Smith joins a covert brotherhood and pursues a forbidden love affair against the cold, gray backdrop
of the Republic of Oceania—only to become a hunted enemy of the state...and Big Brother.
Today, half a century after it was written, Orwell’s
prophetic, haunting tale of conformity and identity strikes a disturbing chord. As we follow Winston Smith
through his rebellion, imprisonment, torture, and reeducation, we witness firsthand the worst crime we can
inflict upon ourselves and others: the destruction of the truths and freedoms that make us who we are.
294 Pages ~ George Orwell ~
