“The most colossally-financed, coercive spy and propaganda machine in the United States is the pro-Red, anti-Christian B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League. In collusion with its Gentile accomplices, the propaganda and ramifications extend from coast to coast. Its aim, in which it largely succeeds, is national control, through coercion or inducements, of speakers, books, articles, sermons, radio preachers—in brief, of American freedom of speech, press and assembly. It stops at nothing in its efforts to publicly discredit any individual who dares oppose or expose any subsersive activity that is Jewish, or who mentions anything unflattering to Jewry.” —Frank Woodruff Johnson [pseudonym of Elizabeth Dilling]
The uninformed public is unaware that Communism and Socialism are names for the identical system of Karl Marx, which is also furthered under many other group and party labels.
Dilling was the preeminent far-right woman activist of her era, the author of The Plot Against Christianity and many other patriotic writings, appearances and activities.
272 Pages • Elizabeth Dilling • $18.00
