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The Plot Against Christianity
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The Plot Against Christianity
Elizabeth Dilling visited the Soviet Union in 1931 for a month and what she saw there horrified her. Lenin and Trotsky had set up a dystopia with the goal of spreading Communism to all countries. In her book she describes the destruction of the Orthodox Christian churches and the priests murdered, the abolition of marriage, abortion, the creation of multitudes of street children, and cannibalism due to the government orchestrated famines to kill off the peasants. The so-called rule of the proletariat was based on Karl Marx’s insane theories of an atheistic worker’s paradise where there would be no ruling class and no property. The communists were open about their goals and had plans to turn China communist and then make their way to America to make it a Marxist state. To illustrate her points Dilling reproduces quite a number of pages out of the volumes of the Talmud.
| Texe Marrs spoke very highly of Ms. Dilling’s book, The Plot Against Christianity and felt it was very important for your edifification.
322 Pages • Large Format • $30.00
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