Big Sister Is Watching You
They’re ruthless, shrewd, and calculating. Recruited and empowered by their boss, Hillary, these are the women who tell Bill Clinton what to do. They are the FemiNazis.
Big Sister Is Watching You unmasks the coven of brutally correct women who would rule over us. Militant feminists, these women possess awesome Gestapo powers. One heads the FBI, another the IRS. Five are members of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations—subversive organizations whose goal is to end American sovereignty and bring about a global Marxist paradise.
George Orwell’s chilling and prophetic novel, 1984, warned us about Big Brother. Amazingly, Hillary Rodham Clinton was once asked, “Which book has most influenced your political thinking?” Her startling answer: George Orwell’s 1984.
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$18.00 • 208 pages • Texe Marrs