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Millennium: Peace, Promises, and the Day They Take Our Money Away
Millennium: Peace, Promises, and the Day They Take Our Money Away
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    Code: bbtm_millennium
    Price: $15.00
    Shipping Weight: 0.78 pounds


    The sparkling 1990's! Gateway to an incredible Seventh Millennium of man on planet Earth. Economies are booming, money if flowing, communist regimes are in disarray, democracy is on the rise. Peace is breaking out all over, and interest in religion is at an all-time high. Politicians promise the best is yet to come. What could possibly go wrong?

    Millennium reveals astonishing Bible prophecies for our day. Will the coming United States of Europe pave the way for the Antichrist? Is a reunited and arrogant Germany about to produce a monstrous new "Hitler" and a Fourth Reich? Will they take our money away and issue "new" currency as financial panic grips America and economic disaster plunges the nations into dark depression? Could mounting global catastrophes and international crises cause peoples everywhere to cry out for World Government? Is there a mysterious conspiracy by false "Christs" and religious cults to set up a One World Religion? And most important: Will Jesus himself return in the next few years to establish His glorious Millennial Kingdom?

    You will be irresistibly fascinated by the spectacular discoveries revealed in this authoritative book. Now you can know why you have been chosen to live in the most stunning decade of human history.


    272 Pages by Texe Marrs for $15



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