of Christians in the Middle East: Texe Marrs interviews Bedros Hajian, head of the Armenian
American Christian Outreach in Glendale, California. Texe and Bedros trace the
origins of the ongoing Middle East genocide horror back to the U.S. invasion of Iraq
under a cloud of lies and deceit. We also examine the early 1900s Armenian Christian
genocide in which over one and a half million Christians were forced out of their
homes and “deported.” In a terror-filled trek across the desert, most were
murdered and their hands severed by the Turkish army. Turkey had been taken over by
crypto-Jews and Masons who ordered the genocide. Also discussed: Obama’s approval
of the many Christians in Armenia and Syria being murdered today by ISIS and other
Moslem terrorists funded and trained by the United States and its allies. Will
Christianity be extinguished in the Middle East?

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