The Rise of Orwellian
Doublespeak in the Last Days (Part I—Illuminati Mind Control and the
Conquest of the Masses): Texe Marrs presents
stunning parallels between the nightmarish scenes in George Orwell’s
classic novel 1984 and today’s massive employment of mind control
techniques by the Illuminati. The chief method of enslavement is through
control of language. New words and phrases, even a shocking new
vocabulary, have been invented and introduced to subvert peoples’ minds.
Through "Doublespeak," ordinary citizens are losing their
ability to think and reason for themselves. They are learning to embrace
Gestapo cruelties and to love and admire Big Brother.
The Rise of
Orwellian Doublespeak in the Last Days (Part II—Illuminati Mind Control
and the Conquest of Christianity): Orwellian
doublespeak is especially prevalent inside today’s Christian Church.
Luciferian doctrines are steadily being introduced—and warmly embraced—by evangelists, pastors, and millions of ordinary Christians in
the pews. Change agents are using new Bible versions to pollute scriptural
language. Entire congregations of thought-controlled,
"Christian" dupes are seduced into dissolving all distinctions
between Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Witchcraft, and Christianity. The masses
of churchgoers are brainwashed into participating in intensified hate
campaigns against true Bible believers. Moral corruption reigns and sexual
indecencies proliferate within Church ranks. Orwellian doublespeak has
already wreaked havoc—and the worst is yet to come.
2-Hour Set ~
Compact Disc ~ $15.00
Three ways to order: Order online now, or, if you prefer, phone us toll free 1-800-234-9673, or 512-263-9780 (Monday-Friday, 8-5 CST). You can also simply send check or money order to: Power of Prophecy 1708 Patterson Rd. Austin, TX 78733 [Please include 10% for domestic shipping and handling ($5.00 Minimum). To cover international shipping and handling, include 40% of the cost for DVDs, Tapes & CDs, and 60% of the cost for Books ($20.00 Minimum).] |