Secrets (Volume 306): Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets
and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Joe Biden’s budget for 2023 has been submitted
with billions of taxpayer dollars allocated for climate and equity; (2) Washington state Governor Jay
Inslee signed a bill banning non-electric cars after 2030; (3) Biden and his cohorts continue to push
electric vehicles as the answer for high gas prices, but never disclose how much EV battery packs cost;
(4) Despite imposing draconian restrictions on mining, Biden’s administration plans to use a
cold-war era law to boost critical minerals essential to EV batteries; (5) Biden administration seeks to
clandestinely move medical personnel from the Veterans Administration to treat the expected massive inflow
of illegal aliens this spring and summer; (6) $1.5 trillion dollar omnibus spending bill recently passed
includes four thousand pork projects costing American taxpayers ten billion dollars!; (7) Calgary police
officers no longer permitted to wear Canadian flag patches with a thin blue line through them because of
colonialism and white supremacy; (8) Vassar College student newspaper removed an online article published
in February because it quoted too many white students; (9) Governor Ron Desantis of Florida exposes
reporter peddling fake news; (10) Disney held an all-hands Zoom meeting to address concerns about Florida
legislation and Disney’s continued push for more LGBTQ inclusion in its parks and programming; (11)
Study indicates wind turbines will create a warming trend of up to four degrees Fahrenheit in three
decades; (12) Germany’s dependence on wind generated electricity could lead to energy rationing;
(13) Maxine Waters, self-proclaimed champion for the poor, tells homeless people to go home at an event
in Los Angeles.
Disney Has Been Evil For a Long
Time: Disney has long cultivated
the image of wholesome family entertainment, but lurking beneath the surface is debauchery and evil.
Witchcraft and occultism permeate numerous screenplays. Likewise, sexual deviancy can be found in its
animated films, as well as its employee records. From 2006 to 2014 over thirty employees were arrested
for child sex crimes. Now that more parents are waking up to the truth, Disney is facing serious backlash.
To control the narrative, a universal spin campaign has been launched. Its newest spokesperson is a former
employee of Obama and Clinton. Immediately headlines and broadcasts claimed a “right-wing
conspiracy” was afoot to destroy Disney. Will this be enough to stem the tide of protests?
Information Overload (Volume 4):
Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome researcher
and reporter Pat McShay to the program. (1) America has a new Supreme Court Justice and will we recognize
the Constitution in five years?; (2) The Biden Crime Syndicate is facing mounting scrutiny for its nefarious
activities; (3) With Elon Musk owning the majority of stock in Twitter, will censorship cease?; (4) Barack
Obama holds court at the White House, and Sleepy Joe seems lost. These and many more items will be
Ukraine Is Not A Victim: Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome Pastor Chuck Baldwin
to the program. The global elite have exercised tyrannical power continuously since March 2020. First with COVID
and now with the war in Ukraine. Because critical thinking has become extinct in most people, the propaganda
espoused by governmental leaders and the controlled media is being bought hook-line-and-sinker. With the economy
tanking, food costs skyrocketing, and gasoline prices soaring it portends even more tyranny will be unleashed
on the masses.
Analysis Paralysis—The Constant Assault
by the Media to Fill Your Mind, Control Your Thoughts and Make You Numb: Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome Sandra Myers to the program. Notice how with
every new crisis the coverage is non-stop and repetitious? The barrage by the media to channel your thoughts
amounts to trauma-based mind control. This is meant to desensitize us and change our focus away from other
important matters, news and investigations at hand. It is sleight-of-hand witchcraft meant to distract and
overwhelm us. Without a solid foundation of God’s Holy Word and reliance on Jesus Christ we are tossed
in the buffeting storm of soul-numbing thought control.