A Sea
of Blood
A Sea of Blood (Part 1—Bloody
Sacrifices to Appease the God of Forces/Unmasking Zionist Crimes and
Murders Over the Past Two Millennia):
this exclusive 3-part series, Texe Marrs reveals new information never
before disclosed about the Zionist connection to many of history’s most
horrific genocides and bloodbaths. From the days of Caesar to the year
2005, the monstrous, hidden hand of Jewish supremacists has been
instrumental in the killing and torturing of millions of innocents. These
Jewish-directed genocidal events resulted in over 100 million casualties
in the 20th Century alone and far exceeded the terror of the Nazi
holocaust. The controlled media dare not talk about these satanic crimes
of the Jews. For fear of Jewish retaliation, men have been silenced. But
now the truth is told. In Part 1, Texe Marrs exposes not only the fact
that bloody Roman Emperor Nero, hater of Christians, was a Jew, but that
Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati in 1776, and Robespierre,
monster of the French guillotine, were also Jews.
A Sea of Blood (Part 2—The
Unspeakable Horror of the Armenian Genocide/The True Story of How
Crypto-Jewish Masons Punished and Sought to Exterminate the First Nation
On Earth to Embrace Christianity): Texe Marrs focuses
on the unspeakable horror of the Armenian Genocide. This is the true story
of how crypto-Jew Masons in Turkey, led by Zionist agents in Europe and
America, massacred and butchered over two million Christian Armenian men,
women, and children. The homes, lands, businesses, and farms of these
people were stolen. The British Consul at the time reported that so many
hands were cut off the arms of children that, if placed side-by-side,
there were enough severed human hands along the roadsides to pave a 30
mile long "Severed hand highway!"
A Sea of Blood (Part 3—Red
Terror Brings Hell on Earth/How Masonic Jews Plotted and Engineered
Christian Genocide and the Shedding of the Blood of Innocents in the
U.S.S.R., China, and Cambodia): Texe Marrs shows how,
as President Harry Truman once remarked, no-one can outdo the Jewish
Zionists in degree of cruelty and hellish evil. Case in point: The
purging, torture, and killing of tens of millions of people in Soviet
republics by Jewish Commissars and Jewish-led secret police. Christians
were especially targeted. Almost all the Communist leaders were proven to
be Masons and Satan-worshipping, crypto-Jewish Illuminati agents sent into
Russia from the U.S.A. and Europe to do their dirty work. Also examined is
the proven Zionist involvement in the bloody horrors in Cambodia and Red
Set ~ Compact Disc ~ $20.00
Three ways to
order: Order online now, or, if you prefer, phone us toll free
1-800-234-9673, or 512-263-9780 (Monday-Friday, 8-5 CST). You can also simply
send check or money order to: Power of Prophecy 1708 Patterson Rd. Austin, TX
78733 [Please include 10% for domestic
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