Trading With
the Enemy—The Great China Entanglement: America was founded on definitive principles as found in
the Bible and a belief in God. Communist China, whose only higher authority is the State,
has no clear definition of right or wrong and says or uses anything to further the power
of the State. Jerry Barrett welcomes Sandra Myers back to the show to discuss the many
facets of how China has come to wield such expansive power over the USA. 1) China has
learned to use the foibles and weaknesses of the power-hungry whose lust for building
their own empire gives China footholds inside our government, finance, and autonomy; 2)
China gives us cheap labor and goods for those with the overwhelming need to
consume—new phones, new cars, new everything—cheap, disposable and instantaneous;
3) The younger American generations are being propagandized to expect entitlements from and to
be taken care of by the government. They are taught to spy and report on friends and family.
They are taught to willingly comply with State mandates. They are also taught that truth is
not absolute and is whatever is needed in the moment.
