The Impending Food
Crisis—Days of Hunger and Chaos Are Upon Us: Over twenty years ago Texe Marrs informed all who would listen
that there was an impending food crisis in his ground-breaking work, Days of Hunger, Days
of Chaos. Thanks to the global pLandemic that has been unleashed on the world, this has come
to pass. Crops in Florida have been plowed under, never to be harvested; hundreds of thousands of
chicken eggs are destroyed each week; millions of pigs, cattle, and chickens are being euthanized,
never to see the tables of hungry people. Millions of gallons of milk mix with a river of tears
from dairy farmers. Foreign-owned meat processing plants have been shut down, while food lines greet
volunteers at local food banks. Americans have been duped into believing that we live in the land of
plenty, but the ugly reality of hunger will soon descend upon us all.
