Hidden Prophecies in the Book
of Esther (2-tape Set): Exclusive
2-tape series by Texe Marrs. Is the book of Esther an overlooked treasure
trove of Bible prophecy? The answer is yes! Texe Marrs closely examines
the astonishing prophecies God has built into this eye-opening book.The
story of Queen Esther, her cousin, Mordecai, the King of Persia, and his
wife, Vashti, is a powerful allegory of what is to occur in the last
days—and is happening right now! Is America "Persia?" Is
Esther "Israel?" Does Mordecai represent the neocon Jews who now
rule the United States behind the scenes? Do the Arabs represent Haman?;
And will Christians be linked with Haman, be falsely accused, arrested,
and killed, as were Haman’s ten innocent sons? Why have so many real
historical events happened on the high holy day of Purim, when the Jews
annually celebrate Esther and Mordecai’s victory over their enemies and
their takeover of political power? If you want to know what God has in
store for America, this is it!
Set ~ Audiotape ~ $15.00
Three ways to
order: Order online now, or, if you prefer, phone us toll free
1-800-234-9673, or 512-263-9780 (Monday-Friday, 8-5 CST). You can also simply
send check or money order to: Power of Prophecy 1708 Patterson Rd. Austin, TX
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