Black Gold Empire—The Hidden Conspiracy Behind the BP Oil Disaster: The death of the
crew of BP's Gulf Coast oil derrick was not an accident! Texe Marrs
unmasks an outrageous Israeli-Red China oil laundering scam. He reveals
how BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig was destroyed by a submarine operating
out of Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base on the coast of Georgia. Texe also
discloses how an unexploded undersea mine (bomb) later washed up on nearby
Alabama's coastline and was found by BP cleanup workers. Also—how the
Bolsheviks, in 1920, under the direction of the Rockefeller-Rothschild
cartel, deliberately torched and destroyed the oil fields Baku,
Azerbaijan, an event which mirrored what happened to BP's oil derrick and
the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2010. Discover who is responsible for America's
environment being despoiled and its oil wealth intentionally kept from
world markets. Also learn how Israel and Red China have colluded with the
American CIA and military to steal Iraq's huge oil resources and pocket
trillions of dollars. America has been dealt an enormous economic blow—find
out how and why!

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