of The Bohemian Grove: Texe Marrs interviews Alex Jones, patriot
investigator and founder of Infowars.com. Alex Jones and his radio and TV producer, Mike Hansen,
infiltrated the most recent annual conclave of the infamous Bohemian Grove secret society, held
in the “sacred groves” forest outside San Francisco. What they saw with their own
eyes boggles the mind. They witnessed some of the most powerful men on earth doing despicable
sexual things. They observed nude and semi-nude men worshipping a giant idol of an owl in a
deeply occult ritual, and what appeared to be an actual human sacrifice of a burning, screaming
white man. This is the first time ever in the 129-year history of this secretive group that an
outsider has been able to infiltrate their wicked extravaganza and live to tell about it. Also
revealed: startling information about how the Bohemians help to choose the men who will be
allowed to run for the high office of President and Vice President of the U.S.A.

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