The Illuminati’s Oriental Express——The Rise
of China and the Beatdown of America: Red China
now has the world’s second largest economy and by 2020 will topple the U.S.A. as the largest. More autos are sold to Chinese
than Americans. China’s steel, aluminum, and copper companies are thriving. PetroChina is fifth among petroleum conglomerates
and by 2015 will replace Exxon-Mobil as the world’s largest. China’s HSBC bank is rising fast and now controls the world gold
markets. China’s military has modern missiles, nuclear bombs, and nuclear submarines and is globally capable. The Chinese
peoples’ standard of living is rising. George Soros, billionaire Rothschild associate, says that, “China will lead the New
World Order.” Soros also warns Americans against resisting the new global financial system. Meanwhile, the U.S.A.’s economy
is declining, unemployment is at record levels, the nation’s infrastructure is crumbling, and its military is overextended.
American corporations are moving headquarters to foreign countries, and the nation’s budget deficit is humongous. What’s
happening to cause this astronomical rise of Communist China and the beatdown and fall of America? Are the Illuminati elite
behind it? Is Obama a closet Communist, working covertly to level America and submerge our once great country into a global
system? Is the greatness of America at an end?

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