The Illuminati’s Presidential
Choice for 2012: For now it’s Newt Gingrich vs Barack Obama, with Zionist
Stooges Eric Cantor, Sarah Palin,
Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, and Yes, Hillary Clinton, Waiting in
Line: Texe evaluates the presidential line-up for 2012.
He exposes the unAmerican traitor Newt Gingrich’s outrageous proposals to throw out the U.S. Constitution,
set up a world government, and radically reshape American culture into the more desirable “Jewish Utopia.”
Gingrich proposes also the end of Christianity as a “Third Wave” sweeps away all vestiges of Americanism and
terminates old-fashioned morality. Gingrich’s plan is for a “New Civilization.” Incredibly, the controlled
media have totally bottled up this satanic agenda. Also explored: The possibility of Cantor, Palin, Romney,
Huckabee, or a dark horse getting the nod in 2012. And, if Barack Obama continues to falter as America’s
leader, will Hillary be brought in to carry the Democrat Party’s banner as White House candidate in 2012?

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