All Hallow’s
Eve: Should Christians Participate: The day before All Saints Day is known as All Hallow’s Eve, aka
Halloween. All Saints Day was a celebration of the early Christian church for the solemn remembrence
of the martyrs. As Christianity moved through Europe, it was met with pagan cultures and established
customs. Pagan holidays and festivals were so entrenched that new converts to Christianity would
stumble in their faith. To combat this, the church moved Christian holidays to directly challenge
pagan holidays. Unfortunately, this only succeeded in “Christianizing” pagan holidays.
Many of the Druid practices are part and parcel with today’s Halloween celebrations, including
the term “trick or treat,” carving a gourd and putting a candle inside, and many others.
Should Christians allow their children to participate in this pagan festival? Are those who participate
in this holiday prime candidates to receive the gospel message of Jesus Christ?