The Crescent Moon, the Star,
and The Black Stone—Unmasking the Evils of Islam: An
exclusive report by Texe Marrs. While we must not and will not stereotype
and brand every Moslem as a terrorist or a bad person, the religion of
Islam, in its teachings and practices, is proven to be false, idolatrous,
and a perversion of Truth. What is the hidden, sinister meaning of the
Islamic symbol of the crescent moon and star? Why do Moslems make
pilgrimages to Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, and worship there before a black
stone idol, the Kaaba? Who was Mohammed, founder of Islam? What did he
teach, and what does the Koran, the Islamic scriptures, say? Did the
doctrines and traditions of the Moslem religion contribute to the
murderous mind-set of the Arab terrorists who hijacked aircraft and
smashed them into buildings? Discover the awful truth about the evils of
Islam and what lies in the future.
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