There is no doubt that America has lost her way.
We have gone from a “Christian” Foundation to a totally humanistic, multi-cultural,
anti-Christ, modern day Babylon, and Sodom and Gomorrah society. It has been given to our generation
to try to restor America to her once Godly heritage. Repent or Parish! Beroit Brecht said, “People
who fight may lose. People who don’t fight have already lost.” We must and will fight.
Get your copy of this tremendous conference hosted
by Pastor Butch Paugh August 2009. Speakers include Texe Marrs, Joyce Riley, Jack McLamb, Dr. Katherine
Albrecht, and more. This video is only available for purchase online, and quantities are limited. Get
yours today.
3-DVD Set ~ Available on the Internet
Only ~ $25.00
