For years, they claimed to love “Mother Earth”
and wanted only to protect her. They lied. Now, Texe Marrs fully reveals their monstrous hidden agenda. He documents
their plans to blow up dams, bulldoze and graze over roads, savagely cut down millions of trees, kill off countless
millions of birds and animals, and obliterate tens of millions of acres of green vegetation and plant life. Worse,
however, is the fanatical environmentalists’ barbaric design against human life—they fanatically are
plotting a holocaust and genocide that would result in the slaying and massacre of nearly six billion innocent men,
women and children. The crimes of Stalin and Hitler are miniscule compared to the bloody carnage for which the
environmentalists lust. If they succeed, the environmentalists will have become the greatest destroyers in all
history. No wonder that Revelation 11:18 declares God’s wrath against destructive environmentalist renegades
and reveals His intent to "destroy them which destroy the Earth."
