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Was the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump a Deep State Event?
July 19, 2024

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome investigative reporter Pat McShay to the program. The recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump should come as no surprise. Controlled media has continually thown out phrases such as “threat to democracy,” “dictator,” “Hitler,” etc. Those in the Demonrat party have done nothing but stoke the flames of hatred towards Trump and those who support him. Jill Biden championed for the current director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle—a DEI hire. As more information comes to light around this event, one must wonder if this was a planned attempt by the Deep State.

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Secrets (Volume 333)
July 12, 2024

Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Cost of July 4th cookout hits record high; (2) Delivery drivers in California now have armed guards to safeguard their products; (3) Sacramento, California City Attorney threatens retail store with public nuisance criminal charges for repeatedly calling the police about shoplifters; (4) Controlled media continues to show their anti-christ attitudes about the Bible; (5) Biden administration pressured the FDA to cut corners in approving Pfizer’s COVID-19 jab and subsequent boosters; (6) Thieves in the Seattle area have begun targeting the copper in EV charging stations; (7) Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has been conducting “war games” to prepare for climate change emergencies; (8) Large percentage of EV owners want to return to regular cars; (9) DEI has severely hampered the Biden regimes EV charging station construction, despite allocating millions of dollars to the project; (10) More idiocy from the Biden regime...Department of the Interior has published a comprehensive manual on “inclusive language;” (11) Private citizen has begun mirroring trades made by Nancy Pelosi and other members of Congress...he made $13,000 last month!; (12) New Hampshire city implements new ordinance to address the homeless crisis...will other cities follow their lead?; (13) Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum says humanity must be “forced into collaboration” by their superiors; (14) Sanctuary cities are suffering from the onslaught of illegal immigrants and are now shuttering their shelter programs.

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Fact or Fiction—Climate Change
July 5, 2024

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome author Mike S. King to the program. For almost fifty years our global masters have perpetrated a massive public relations hoax to usurp American sovereignty and freedom. Taxpayers have forked over billions of dollars for a hypothesis that man-made global warming exists. The controlled media refuses report studies from climate researchers who refute the idea of global warming. Instead, the unleash a torrent of so-called “Fact Checkers” to propagate the lies of their masters. Mike King debunks these debunkers as we cover ten climate change myths.

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June 30, 2024

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome Sandra Myers to the program. The word equity has been turned on it’s head, changing good for evil. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is anything but diversified, equitable or inclusive. Included are some of the perverse ways that the new equity has manifested: prioritizing kidney transplants; airlines hiring by DEI standards instead of best qualifications, and more. What does the Bible say about equity?

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The Big Steal 2024?
June 23, 2024

A confluence of nefarious factors appears to be leading America towards a repeat performance of the 2020 election cycle. Controlled media are pushing the possibility of a “new, more deadly” pandemic, many states are passing laws to allow mail-in ballots to become the norm, and nothing has seemingly been done about ballot stuffers and tabulating machines that can be manipulated. Moreover, illegal aliens are being given an opportunity to vote in their “local elections.” Surely nothing could go wrong there, right? A war has seemingly been declared by the Marxists to transform America into a socialist state. Can it be stopped?

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They Lied People Died
June 16, 2024

America is still suffering the after affects of the COVID-19 scamdemic. Now come revelations about the so-called vaccine and it’s multitude of adverse events that controlled media will not investigate. There are, however, a number of brave doctors who are speaking out about the potentially devastating affects this jab will have on the world’s population. Although we now know the virus was engineered, the question becomes is it the virus or the “vaccine” that is the actual bioweapon? What further maladies could be lurking around the corner?

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Information Overload (Volume 12)
June 9, 2024

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome investigative reporter Pat McShay to the program. Items covered in this fast-paced edition include: (1) Controlled media outlets are laying off hundreds of reporters or facing bankruptcy; (2) Rumors of resident Joe Biden’s cognitive ability are becoming louder; (3) Is Barack Obama fulfilling his own prophecy of running the country behind the scenes?; (4) Kamala Harris, while appearing on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show, was harassed by...liberals!; (5) James Biden, along with Hunter Biden, may finally face a day of reckoning for their corruption; (6) Shocking report exposes the group behind the transportation of illegal immigrants to America; (7) Will the influx of Muslim’s into America lead to Sharia Law? (8) Mad Maxine Waters is spewing more rhetoric that whites want to start another civil war; (9) Sudden deaths are up forty percent...is the “vaccine” to blame?; (10) World Health Organization leader places target squarely on the back of non-vaccinated; (11) Will another scamdemic help the Demonrats with the “Big Steal” again in 2024?; (12) Is the Biden regime hurtling America towards World War III?

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Secrets (Volume 332)
June 2, 2024

Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Thank you for your support of our air conditioning project; (2) Michigan man attends a remote hearing for his driving without a license case...and the plot twist is comical; (3) Texas Governor Greg Abbott pardons former Army sergeant after he was convicted of murder; (4) Bank of America de-banks conservative reporter who’s documentary exposed the FBI plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer; (5) Idaho receives a massive influx of retired and active-duty police officers from California; (6) Liberal judge in Washington, D.C. releases a teenage shooter on bail; (7) Pothole Pete on the hot seat again about the Biden Administration’s ineptness at bringing EV charging stations online; (8) United States taxpayer dollars are being spent to promote LGBT events worldwide during June; (9) Equity requirements have been proposed for kidney transplants to prevent “racial bias;” (10) Illinois state legislature wants to mandate “climate” brainwashing of children; (11) California, the self-proclaimed leading edge combating climate change, places multiple cities in the top ten of most polluted cities in America; (12) Chicago braces for destruction during the Democrat National Convention even with $75 million of taxpayer money allocated for security; (13) Progressive state senator in California finally draws a line over absurd law regarding pedophile prison sentences; (14) Boston’s woke mayor believes “quality of life” crimes should not be prosecuted; (15) American Airlines blames 9-year old girl for being filmed in the aircraft restroom by a flight attendant; (16) Why would a pizza delivery guy in Houston, Texas carry a gun at 11pm while working?

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Grin & Barrett (Volume 5)—Is Pete Buttigieg Helping to Destroy America?
May 24, 2024

In this latest installment of Grin & Barrett, Jerry Barrett ponders recent events that have attacked America’s infrastructure. From the bridge collapse in Maryland—one of America’s busiest ports; Boeing planes being grounded for safety reasons; and an electrical grid that faces crisis after crisis daily, it is apparent that the old axiom of “they don’t make ’em like they used to” is magnified on a grand scale. “Pot Hole” Pete, former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has had a profound impact on our nation, but is it better or worse?

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My Fellow Americans—What Is Going On Here?
May 17, 2024

Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome Pastor Matt Furse to the program. Thanks to C.I. Scofield and others, pro-Zionist influence has saturated multiple avenues across this nation. It is glaringly apparent that our political leaders have ceded control of our country. Long-known as the ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government), recent legislation staunchly confirms the attack against Christians and God’s Holy Word. Under the oft-used mantra of God’s Chosen People it is imperative to ask, “Chosen for what?”

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Truth Needs No Law To Protect It
May 10, 2024

Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome investigative reporter Pat McShay to the program. The “Antisemitism Awareness Act” is legislation our controllers have been trying to pass for years without success. Christians could be convicted of antisemitism for believing the Gospel that says Jesus was crucified by the Jews. Our controllers are desperate to keep us in the dark and must silence dissent. This new legislation is a means to control and ban information well known to prior generations and brainwash future generations. Just as war is a racket, antisemitism is a racket.

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Secrets (Volume 331)
May 3, 2024

Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Scripture teaches us who actually killed Jesus, but thanks to new legislation this could be deemed as a hate crime—the war on Christianity is heating up!; (2) CDC found evidence that COVID-19 vaccines were causing deaths and hid this information from the public; (3) Scientists have launched streams of particles into the sky—without warning residents—off the San Francisco Bay in the hopes of cooling the planet; (4) New York City Council members who have lambasted the police are now asking for their protection; (5) Democrat-run sanctuary city of Chicago has made more than one thousand arrests of illegal Venezuelan nationals in the first three months of 2024!; (6) George A. Kelly, an Arizona rancher, has had his case dismissed by the state; (7) Road rage incident leads to the death of a four-year-old, and the alleged perpetrator had just been released without bail on another gun-related felony; (8) Activist David Hogg was recently confronted by a Chinese immigrant at a gun control debate; (9) Another case of refusing accountability after Florida teen files a complaint alleging he only beat up a teacher’s aide because his needs were not met; (10) College staff member was allegedly demoted because she was the wrong race; (11) California’s new minimum wage hike to $20 per hour has led to more business closures and unemployed workers.

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The Pre-Trib Rapture Exposed
April 26, 2024

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome author Robert Tuccio to the program to discuss his book, The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Exposed. No man knows the day nor the hour of Christ’s return, though many have tried to predict it. Where did the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine originate? Why is this belief so strongly held in many Christian churches?

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A Crash Course on 9-11 Being An Inside Job
April 19, 2024

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome author Mike S. King to the program. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 may have faded from the memory of many, and there is an entire generation who have only been fed the lies our controllers want them to hear. However, there is information that continues to trickle out to those who have the wherewithal to search for it. Who were the key players behind this event? Who is Larry Silverstein? Do we have a cabal to thank for the Patriot Act and the subsequent usurpation of our Fourth Amendment rights? Whatever happened to the “Dancing Israelis?” Has controlled media obfuscated truth to cover up the truth behind the destruction of the Twin Towers?

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Information Overload (Volume 11)
April 12, 2024

Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome investigative reporter Pat McShay to the program. Items covered in this fast-paced edition include: (1) Unprecedented “lawfare” is being waged on Donald Trump and his associates; (2) 2020 Election lawsuits are continuing through the court system, but you will hear nary a word from controlled media about the revelations exposed during these trials; (3) Bidenomics is destroying the American economy; (4) The recent jobs report relased by the Biden Administration is a complete farce; (5) German MEP Christine Anderson, during a speech to the European Union Parliament, laments the hoax that was the scamdemic and the utter tyranny facing everyone; (6) The electric vehicle market is on life support; (7) Why do so many of the rich and famous have children who are now coming out as transgender?; (8) Blue sanctuary cities are now concerned over the number of illegal immigrants invading this country.

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Secrets (Volume 330)
April 5, 2024

Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) The “Workers Paradise” known as Commiefornia has enacted a law to benefit restaurant workers with a $20 per hour minimum wage—what could go wrong?; (2) The Biden Administration’s Department of Energy has tackled another gremlin in its battle against climate change—ceiling fans are the latest abomination to their green agenda; (3) Massive solar farm in Texas suffers immense damage after a hail storm, and residents are worried about toxic chemicals seeping into the ground waters; (4) FBI abused Section 702 of the FISA Act and violated American citizen’s Fourth Amendment Rights 278,000 times!; (5) Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson reiterates his previous stance on home invaders; (6) Orlando city commissioner allegedly pilfer over $100,000 from an elderly woman; (7) Embattled Dolton, Illinois mayor is accused of misusing taxpayer funds and sexual assault allegations by a former employee; (8) New York City councilwoman is appalled that no one is defending women who have been assaulted—and the responses she received are epic; (9) Washington State Supreme Court decries the Bar Exam as racist!; (10) UCLA medical school students are required to attend a mandatory class on “structural racism;” (11) California high school students are being paid $1,400 to become social justice warriors; (12) Denver official begs illegal aliens to leave or they will suffer if they stay; (13) What are illegal aliens doing with the money they are given?; (14) Illegal alien “influencer” from Venezuela, with over 500,000 followers on TiTok, has been arrested in Ohio.

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Eclipse Frenzy, the Solar Maximum, the Devil Comet and More Signs in the Sky
March 29, 2024

It seems we are in a season of heavy heavenly activity. On April 8th, 2024, a total solar eclipse will occur along a narrow path that cuts across Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, arcing across the northeastern United States into southeastern Canada. Areas directly under the path of totality expect to be overrun with a frenzy of eclipse seekers. What’s the big deal? Other activities in the sky that bear watching are the Solar Maximum, solar flares and the CMEs headed to earth. Could another Carrington Event happen? What would it mean for us today?; Dimorphos and Bennu: deflecting asteroids by rocket. What about the asteroids that sneak up on the skywatchers? All this heavenly activity and those looking to the skies for signs and wonders—what is the world view and the biblical view?

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The Truth About Illegal Alien Criminality
March 22, 2024

Defenders of open-borders immigration policies, along with their allies in the controlled media have claimed that illegal aliens commit significantly fewer crimes against persons and property than do native-born American citizens. By procuring the documents they need to get jobs, to drive and to obtain other benefits that are restricted to U.S. citizens, these illegal aliens are committing felonies such as forgery, fraud, identity theft, and perjury. Moreover, the violent crimes committed by these individuals is staggering. It is imperative that you arm yourself to protect your homes and your families.

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HOAX of Biblical Proportions
March 15, 2024

Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome author Edward Hendrie to the program to discuss his new book, HOAX of Biblical Proportions. God promised to preserve His Word for us. Satan knows this, so his minions have been tasked to pervert the Scriptures to deceive the masses. The changes in the new versions are not only to make the bible “easier” to read, but they are changing doctrine! Satan’s ultimate plan is to seduce Christians into believing in a different Jesus and a different gospel.

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Secrets (Volume 329)
March 8, 2024

Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Democrats argued against a fence along our southern border for four years under Donald Trump, but are quick to erect fences when looney leftists could disrupt Biden’s State of the Union Speech and the Oscars; (2) Harvard professor exposed the lie of the excessive use of lethal force by police against minorities and faced severe backlash; (3) Rand Paul released his “Festivus Report of 2023” exposing the amount of wasted taxpayer dollars spent of frivolous earmarks; (4) Bombshell report reveals Biden administration and CBP have secretly flown over 300,000 illegals into 43 American cities; (5) A new study proves electric vehicles (EVs) are worse for the environment than gasoline powered cars; (6) Department of Energy issues new regulations for residential washers and dryers; (7) Dolton, Illinois mayor faces allegations of misusing funds for lavish expenses and personal security; (8) Washington, D.C. carjacking victims come face to face with an expensive bill for storage and towing of their recovered vehicle; (9) New York City Amazon driver, attacked by an illegal alien, is facing criminal assault charges for defending himself; (10) Under a proposed bill, Missouri teachers could face fines, imprisonment, and have to register as a sex offender if they aid a student’s gender transition; (11) Missouri Attorney General is suing Planned Parenthood for trafficking young girls for out-of-state abortions; (12) Sleezeball Senator Bob Menendez and his wife are facing serious allegations of bribery and obstruction of justice; (13) Assisted suicide legislation is increasing as more states push new bills; (14) Documents show Planned Parenthood lied about selling aborted baby parts for financial gain; (15) ER doctor testifies about a “miracle” revival of a dead woman through the power of prayer.

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Propaganda As a Powerful Tool
March 1, 2024

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome author Pat Shannan to the program. Through his many decades of investigative reporting, Pat has uncovered and exposed numerous occurrences of “fake news.” Has the dumbing-down of Americans reached catastrophic levels? Were doctors as mislead about the efficacy of the “jab” as the general public was? Is there a connection between Abe Lincoln and Joe Biden? In this romp through historical events, many so-called truths will be dissected and the resultant mind control on the population discussed.

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He Changes Us
February 23, 2024

Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome Pastor Matt Furse to the program. Two pseudo-religious advertisements were broadcast to hundreds of millions of people during the recent Super Bowl. What was the true message depicted in the “He Gets Us” ads? Did this campaign promote a different Jesus and another gospel?

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Information Overload (Volume 10)
February 16, 2024

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome investigative reporter Pat McShay to the program. This rapid-fire discussion of current events unfolding in front of us offers tremendous information to awaken many who have yet to see the light of truth. These explosive revelations are not exposed on controlled media: (1) Why was the shooting in Joel Osteen’s church quickly scrubbed from news reports?; (2) American’s financial stability takes another hit under Bidenflation; (3) Meritocracy is out, Diversity and Equity are in; (4) A New Jersey man, exposed as a serial ballot stuffer, is on the FBI payroll!; (5) More shenanigans exposed concerning the 2020 general election; (6) There were more American workers in 2019 than in 2024—who benefits?; (7) Michigan state lawmaker punished for daring to post about the “Great Replacement” on social media; (8) Globalists are pushing to end the U.S. dollar as the preferred currency; (9) Foreign aid bill passed by Senate has a poison pill hidden inside; (10) The censorship of alternative media on the internet continues to increase; (11) The Biden’s Administrative Affairs Department is stripping benefits for those involved in the January 6th protests; (12) Eisenhower’s “Operation Wetback” removed thousands of illegal aliens—if elected, will Donald Trump’s deportation plan exceed it?; (13) Fani Willis is in extremely hot water. These items and much more are discussed!

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The Ulterior Motive Behind the Open Border
February 9, 2024

“Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour’s house; lest he be weary of thee.” Poet Robert Frost penned the phrase, “Good fences make good neighbors.” Fences or walls have been utilized to prevent and protect against invasion for many years. Democrat politicians have flip-flopped on a border wall with Mexico for decades. Today, our southern border is wide open to all comers. Biden and his administration have claimed the border is secure, but is it? How many terrorists have escaped into our country illegally? What is the fastest growing illegal immigrant population? Is there a nefarious plan by the Demonrats to alter future elections and destroy the Republic our founding fathers fought and died for?

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Secrets (Volume 328)
February 2, 2024

Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Study finding cancer, heart damage and DNA damage due to cell phone radiation is quietly stopped by federal agency; (2) Nancy Pelosi’s son, Paul, Jr., avoids criminals charges...for the seventh time!; (3) Liarwatha, also known as Liz Warren, claims Congress members need a raise because of inflation; (4) New non-governmental organization created to fly more illegals into America is run by George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama with funds from George Soros; (5) Renowned election expert hacks into a Dominion Voting Machine in front of a Georgia judge; (6) Democrat lawmaker in California introduces a new bill to install a speed limiter on cars; (7) California Governor Gavin Newsom is appalled that a shoplifter is allowed to leave a store without being stopped; (8) Biden administration is classifying some of the ritziest neighborhoods in America as “low income” for inclusion in EV charger subsidy programs; (9) New York Post reports that Michelle Obama will replace Biden on the Democrat ticket for 2024 presidential election; (10) Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs reach settlement with the city of Seattle over police response to riots in 2020; (11) Climate activist promotes sabotage and violence to amplify the urgency of climate change; (12) America’s police force, the FBI, has succumbed to the three-headed monster of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; (13) United airlines has gone woke, claiming diversity and not merit will determine who its new pilots will be; (14) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is actively seeking employees with severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric issues, and other physical and mental conditions; (15) FAA is facing litigation for eliminating potential air traffic controllers in favor of a diverse workforce; (16) Looney left-wing fact checker, Snopes, caves to experts with real-world experience; (17) Eric Adams, mayor of New York City, is cutting the police department by 4,000 officers—while major crime continues unabated—because of the illegal alien crisis.

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Depopulation Through Food Modification
January 26, 2024

Jerry Barrett takes a deep dive into the money-driven industry of “nutrition.” What Americans once took for granted has been hijacked by big corporations with one goal in mind. Hinted at on the Georgia Guidestones, the elite’s depopulation agenda has reached breakneck speed. This draconian attack is being waged on many fronts. From genetically modified foods, to additives, preservatives, pesticides, and more. Useless eaters beware! Big brother wants your money and your death.

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Bill Barr and the Bush Crime Family
January 19, 2024

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome investigative reporter Pat McShay to the program. While serving as Donald Trump’s Attorney General, Bill Barr was critical of every move Trump made. A long-known Deep Stater, Barr helped cover up the Iran/Contra criminal activities, and the 1980 “October Surprise” during the Iranian hostage crisis. Barr has also been a proponent of gun control and confiscation. Is Barr a member of a generational Deep State family? Was he forced on Trump to be his handler? Will Barr be exposed as a long-time participant in the Bush Crime family?

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Is Renewable Energy Saving or Killing the Planet?
January 12, 2024

The continual perpetration of the climate change hoax is having a dynamic affect on society. No longer satiated by their bloodlust for control over humanity, these enviro-whackos will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. Once upon a time groups like Greenpeace and the Sierra Club would stop at nothing to end hydro-electric dams and nuclear power plants. Today, these groups dismiss the mass killing of wildlife in their zealous pusuit of “enewable energy!” Nevermind the senseless death of marine life, it is for the greater good of Mother Earth that we become entirely dependent on wind and solar as our energy source. This double-mindedness is unsettling to former members of this cult, as devastation and utter destruction loom eerily on the horizon.

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Secrets (Volume 327)
January 5, 2024

Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) What were some of the Biden administration’s greatest accomplishments in 2023?; (2) Federal court destroys city’s plan to ban gas-powered appliances; (3) Twenty-two states increased minimum wage—for better or worse; (4) California law now requires police and sheriff’s departments to use preferred names and pronouns on mugshots of alleged criminals; (5) Renowned surgeon shares dire consequences of wokeism in the medical field; (6) GOP Presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy destroys Washington Post reporter who demanded a “woke” purity test; (7) 2020 Measure 110, which decriminalized drugs, has proven to be detrimental to Oregon; (8) Georgia pastor and wife arrested for abhorrent crime; (9) Maine was set to adopt similar legislation as California on electric vehicle requirements...but something happened to halt it; (10) Northern cities who received grants to purchases electric buses are facing serious problems; (11) Convicted ballot harvester is appointed Vice Mayor in Arizona; (12) Convicted felon does Superman impersonation by flying over the bench to assault judge; (13) Jordan Belfort, known as the “Wolf of Wall Street,” questions Nancy and Paul Pelosi’s ability to pick stocks better than the experts; (14) Reporter was surveilled by Federal Government after reporting on January 6 events; (15) Super secret program is analyzing over a trillion domestic calls a year; (16) White House Press Secretary continues to blame Republicans for Democrat stupidity; (17) Constitutional carry in Ohio did not pan out like gun-control activists claimed it would.

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Can America Repent Enough?
December 29, 2023

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome Pastor Butch Paugh to the program. God Bless America is an overused phrase bandied about by politicians. Unfortunately, there is no way He could bless the cesspool that is our country today. With homosexuals in the pulpit and on most of main stream media’s prime time programming, America has become a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah. Can this country return to its Christian and biblical roots?

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Where’s the Logic (Volume 3)
December 22, 2023

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome Sandra Myers to the program. Real meat vs fake meat—taking a peek at the ingredient list. Let’ also talk about how the meat industry is bankrolling veganism; How can Harvard and other colleges afford the loss of their donors due to antisemitism? Is someone else backing them? Why is canceling student debt a good idea? Does it make sense to reward people who do not honor their financial commitment by taxing people who do? And if their education isn’t worth them paying for, why is it worth taxpayers paying for it? Why is talking sexually in the workplace considered harassment, but teaching it to kindergarteners considered education? And so much more.

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Fauci—A God For Those With No God
December 15, 2023

Anthony Fauci became the face of a “pandemic.” Although he aided in the research to develop the COVID-19 virus, he has repeatedly denied this to Congress. If you were to look up narcissist in the dictionary you might see his picture. Why not? He has his mug on throw pillows and numerous drawings in his own home. Fauci also helped the government’s strategy to censor anyone on social media who dared to contradict him. Recently interviewed, Fauci stated that because of his morals he doesn’t need God! In his own mind he may be holy, but to those who have suffered from his twisted science Fauci is a minion of Satan.

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The Blue Fog Is Creeping In
December 8, 2023

1984, alluded to “groupthink.” The amount of control liberals have over the media, education, and government today, therefore, portends for an increasing amount of “blue” propaganda to permeate our nation. Those who still contend the 2020 election was “rigged” are lambasted as conspiracy theorists. However, numbers do not lie when you look at the voter turnout in states exceeding 100%. Likewise, the so-called insurrection at the Capital on January 6th—which has been blamed on Donald Trump—was populated with over 200 FBI agents and other instigators. Also consider the amount of illegal surveillance conducted by the FBI on religious groups and parents during the Biden regime. Truth can and will remove the veil of the blue fog, but only for those who dare seek it.

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Secrets (Volume 326)
December 1, 2023

Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Operation “Quiet Skies” was the brainchild of the Department of Homeland Security to surveil unsuspecting innocent American citizens who utilized air travel; (2) “Quiet Skies” resurrected after the January 6th “insurrection” at the Capital; (3) New York state court rules citizens can be involuntarily quarantine and isolated without due process; (4) Biden’s Justice Department gathered information on every Twitter user who had interactions with Donald Trump while he was President; (5) Kamala Harris’ Thanksgiving picture has raised quite a few eyebrows; (6) Soros-backed district attorney for Austin surprised at the reaction to his attendance of the funeral of a fallen police officer; (7) California man loses his concealed carry permit after defending his wife, infant child, and his home; (8) NBC News poll sheds surprising light on gun ownership in America; (9) Carbon Passports are on the horizon—you will be limited in the amount of travel you can do; (10) Florida restaurant owner exposes “dine-and-dash” people on social media; (11) Over half of the United States could experience blackouts this winter due to Biden’s EPA energy policies; (12) NTSB wants to limit your ability to speed; (13) War on meat to be amplified at upcoming COP28 climate conference; (14) Italy’s government rejects lab-grown meat in defense of health; (15) Air Force personnel warned against attending patriot event in North Dakota; (16) Boston suburb high school cancels USA Day because it’s not inclusive enough.

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Erasing Palestine
November 24, 2023

Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome Pastor Chuck Baldwin to the program. The world is watching the genocide of an entire people right before its very eyes, and the sound of global indifference is deafening. If any other nation in the world was carrying out this deliberate carnage of innocents, global outrage would be off the Richter Scale. From Day One, Zionist Israel has not been held accountable for a single act of criminality, murder, torture, ethnic cleansing, the violation of human rights. Israel’s consistent history and established principles and mores are polar opposite from everything that evangelical pastors and Christians preach and teach each Sunday. Yet, evangelical pastors and Christians by a large margin continue to promote the unbiblical babble that Palestine is the Promised Land for “God’s Chosen People, the Jews” and America can only be blessed by God if we bless the Zionist state. Is God “blessing” America? Or is He judging America?

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Satan Spreads His Wings Over Gaza
November 17, 2023

Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome investigative reporter Pat McShay to the program. What we are witnessing in Gaza is a planned ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Besides the dual Israeli Jews in Congress and the Senate, politicians in Washington, D.C. come from two camps when it comes to funding Israel. There’s the compromised and blackmailed group caught up in one of Jeffrey Epstein’s “Honey Traps,” or you have the Zionist Christian or Neo-Cons who believe that it is their moral duty to protect Israel. Americans are sick and tired of sending their hard-earned tax dollars to the criminal regime in Ukraine and a poll this week showed 51% of respondents said no more aid should go to Israel for weapons. The American media puts the blame for this current conflict on Iran & the Palestinians without a single mention of the real reason this happened. Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees blind guides and hypocrites and little has changed. The Babylonian Talmudic Jews imprison Palestinian children and torture them by breaking their bones. The UN has called Israel the worst violator of human rights on the planet and has made repeated calls for Israel to end their occupation of Palestinian land.

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Which Israel Do You Stand With?
November 10, 2023

Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome Pastor Matt Furse to the program. The “war” in the Middle East involves more than Muslims and Jews, but you will hear nary a peep about the Christians who reside in Palestine. Throughout controlled media you will hear and read headlines espousing hatred for the Muslim terrorists perpetrating heinous crimes against “God’s Chosen” people. How many consider the terroristic acts of the Israeli Defense Forces? Also, consider the fact that the Israeli government waited five hours before launching any counter-offensive. Was this Netanyahu’s “Pearl Harbor” moment to justify the slaughter of innocent bystanders in Palestine? Lastly, ask yourself the most important question: “Who is the true Israel?”

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Secrets (Volume 325)
November 3, 2023

Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) The Minister of Truth—George Soros—is leaving a dark legacy on American culture and society; (2) Elon Musk claims Soros fundamentally hates humanity; (3) Alameda County prosecutor, a Soros-funded progressive, receives a first-hand experience after her laptop is stolen out of her SUV; (4) Los Angeles County district attorney, another Soros lackey, refuses to file felony sexual assault charge even with video evidence; (5) Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has finally come to the realization that in order to reduce crime, criminals should be incarcerated; (6) Mom in Columbus, Ohio is fed up with the criminal justice reforms after her son commits multiple grand theft auto crimes and is returned home without punishment; (7) World Economic Forum co-founder’s son calls for the arrest of COVID jab pushers; (8) Biden regime exposed deploying heavy equipment to lift razor wire for a massive mob of illegal immigrants; (9) Texas House of Representatives pass bill which would allow local law enforcement to arrest and deport illegal immigrants without federal intervention; (10) California fast food restaurants face enormous financial hurdle after Gavin Newsom signs law raising minimum wage to $20 per hour; (11) Shocker!—Ukranian government officials are stealing like there is no tomorrow; (12) Joe Biden bought his multi-million dollar beach house with cash; (13) New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is living high on the hog with taxpayer funds; (14) Largest drug store chains in America are shuttering more than 1,500 stores due to crime and competition; (15) Overdue car payments are on the rise; (16) Alarming new study reveals the true cost of owning an electric vehicle; (17) The renewable energy bubble is about to burst; (18) Oregon high school “graduates” may not be able to read or do math; (19) Social justice warriors have a new target—bird names; (20) Teachers across the country no longer feel safe in their classrooms and are looking to change professions.

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