Jewish overlord Colonel E. Mandell House secretly ran the
White House during the administration of President Woodrow Wilson. Following the Zionist blueprint, he founded
the CFR, set up the IRS, and unleashed the Federal Reserve banking system. Today, the CFR is headed by yet
another Zionist Jew, Richard Haass. |
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of Satan’s "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." Dating from 1913, the globalist insiders have sought to unravel the
U.S. Constitution and usher in a Hegelian synthesis of communism and capitalism. Zionists, such as Colonel E. Mandel House, Bernard
Baruch, and David Rockefeller, have labored mightily to end America’s freedoms, set up a borderless world, and enthrone a
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Discover why President Reagan publicly denounced the CFR and The TLC when he first ran for President, but, after taking office,
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