21—Rise of the Jewish Global Empire: A
Texe Marrs exclusive report: Here is definitive proof that the Jewish
Nation, consisting of the 18.5 million Jews around the globe, is the
prophesied Mystery, Babylon The Great, Mother of Harlots (Revelation
17). Revelation 13 identifies two “beasts” to arise on the world
scene. Texe demonstrates conclusively that the first beast is, in fact,
the Jewish Nation, including the Zionist leaders of Israel. The second
beast is the United States of America, which is allied with and shall
cause all the world to obey and worship the first beast. The Jewish global
empire, brought into being by Jewish banking and corporate power and by
U.S.A. world military dominance, is the stunning fulfillment of Bible
prophecy. This is the reason why Jewish neocons now control the Bush
Administration. It is also why Jews in America dictate to both political
parties and have almost total control over the media, banks, universities,
Hollywood, Wall Street, and the corporate realm. Babylon 21 truly has
risen in force and our lives and heritage are in dire jeopardy.

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