We Are Being Colonized!—The Secret Illuminati Project to Flood the United States
with 100,000,000 More Illegal Aliens: Under a Masonic project sponsored by the
Rothschilds and Zionist groups, the United States will be flooded with 100,000,000 more illegal aliens. A recent survey
calculated the current number of illegal aliens in the United States at 25 to 30 million, with many of them voting for liberal
legislators and a President who will give them free healthcare, housing, welfare, and Social Security. Will President Obama
grant amnesty to the illegal population so they can receive Obamacare? Is Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) a hero to the patriot
community? What about proof he is a 33rd degree Freemason? Does the State Department circumvent immigration by designating
immigrants as "refugees?" Are we to become a colony of the New World Order? The answers to these questions and much
more are available on this dynamic program.

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