Illuminati Devil Men in
Action: In every era of history, ever since the days
of Jesus and his Apostles, we find Jewish revolutionaries, haters of God
and His Son, who have gleefully committed heinous crimes against humanity.
Their primary objective: destroy Christians, remove all vestiges of the
Christian faith from this planet, and bring men and women everywhere into
bondage and degradation. Here is the hidden history, finally revealed, of
sadistic evildoers such as immoral child molester and arsonist, Roman
Emperor Nero; the Illuminati founder Weishaupt; bloody French Revolution
mass murderer Robespierre; Communist ideologist Marx; and Bolshevik
barbarian Lenin. These psychopathic monsters were all Jews. They were
brutal, conscienceless devils in human form. In sum, they were Illuminati
devil men in action.
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