Blood Sacrifice and Debauchery
at the Bohemian Grove—Shocking New Revelations:
Every year in a dense forest outside of San Francisco, several hundred
men—elite members of one of the world’s most exclusive secret
societies—gather and celebrate the most gross and most despicable acts
of carnal debauchery. Texe Marrs marshals his newest research and
documents what happened at the recent conclave of the Bohemian Grove
elite. He explains the horrors that occur when Lucifer-led minions
congregate. Are reports of pedophile rape, sexual fornication and occult
witchcraft true? Who are these men? What is their goal? Why are the media
excluded from their annual celebration of darkness. Are their rites
reminiscent of the ancient worship of the Babylonian sun god, Marduk, and
his consort, Semiramis? Included: An exclusive interview with Alex Jones,, who is one of the few to ever personally witness the satanic
goings-on at the Grove and come out alive.

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