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(CD) Wicked Men of the Bohemian Grove (The)
(CD) Wicked Men of the Bohemian Grove (The)
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    Code: wop_wicked_men_bohemian_grove_cd
    Price: $10.00
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    The Wicked Men of the Bohemian Grove:  They privately meet for seventeen intense days in a foreboding “sacred grove” of ancient redwood trees in the deep forests surrounding San Francisco. Some 2,300 in number, their membership roll is kept secret, but includes super-rich, blood dynasty family members of the Illuminati, heavy-hitting corporate chieftains, and high government officials. Among them: former U.S. Presidents George Bush and Gerald Ford; the mayors of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other cities; astronauts Wally Schirra and Frank Borman; former FBI and CIA directors; former Secretaries of State George Schultz and Henry Kissinger; international bankers; and the heads of big oil companies (ARCO, Mobile, Pennzoil, Texaco, etc.) In a stunning cameo appearance, Great BritainÂ’s Queen Elizabeth showed up in 1983. Her Majesty was honored with a wild, ecstatic, pagan dance ceremony, complete with stage props such as Egyptian pyramids and Babylonian ziggurats.

    The Bohemian Grove represents the eternal mystery cult of Babylon, Rome, and Greece. Its members celebrate the ancient gods Attis, Mithra, Apollo, Zoroaster, and others. Scottish Rite Masonry is part and parcel of the Bohemian Grove. Most Important, this is where diabolical Satanic powers congregate each year to plan and execute the grotesque hidden agenda throughout the Earth of their internal deity, Lucifer!

    Texe Marrs takes listeners on a mind-jarring journey. He peers behind the deep, green foliage and twisted vines, and the moss-covered brown limbs and trunks of ancient, gnarled trees, to discover what really goes on at the Bohemian Grove. Closed to the public, and sealed off by helicopters, a private security force, and armed guards, the wicked Bohemians are free to perform supreme acts of vile debauchery. They deserve to be exposed—and now, finally, they are!

    What fantastic evil is revealed by this unparalleled examination of the mysteriously decadent secret society known as the Bohemian Grove?
    • House Speaker Newt Gingrich—was he instructed in 1995 by superiors at the Bohemian Grove on how to cooperate with President Bill Clinton in building the New World Order?
    • What goes on in those forest groves where the rich insiders meet? What about the reports that former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wanders about in the nude...that former President George Bush and others have been seen wandering around clad only in black robes...that preeminent, male world leaders parade around and pose as transvestites in women's clothes?
    • Are homosexual orgies prevalent at the Bohemian Grove? Are young boys, prostitutes, and mind-controlled "Project Monarch" slaves brought in for the pleasure (and sometimes torture) of the evil Bohemians?
    • Why did German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt write in his book of memoirs, Men and Powers, that his weekend as a guest at the Bohemian Grove encampment was "one of the most astounding experiences I ever had in the United States."
    • Are the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and other high-level Illuminati represented at annual Bohemian Grove bashes?
    • What incredibly wicked ceremonial ritual performed at the Grove involves Hitlerian Third Reich omens and Satanic worship of the ancient god Zeus and his bull incarnation, Taurus? What disgusting "delicacy" do the Bohemians dine on during this mind-boggling event?
    • Are innocent, young children literally sacrificed to the devil as a noted part of one of the despicable, Bohemian Grove ceremonies? Was the murder of 12-year-old Polly Klaas connected to the Bohemian atrocities?
    • Why, in one ritual, do the assembled members all bow down before a giant, forty foot statue of an owl? Why do the solemn High Priest, priests in red-orange robes, devoted acolytes, and accompanying torch bearers burn a towering effigy?
    • Why do Bohemian members openly and proudly, yet with tight lips, display owl figurines, statuettes and images in their homes and in their corporate and government offices?  Why do some even wear owl-image cuff links?
    • Do the Bohemian Grove powers control the presidency of the United States? Why did President Ronald Reagan once confide to friends that it was his acceptance by the Bohemians, following his "coming out" introduction at one of their conclaves, that sealed for him the opportunity to win the high office of President of the United States?

    60 Minutes ~ Texe Marrs ~ CD ~ $10.00

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