April 2017 Programs (CD) Amazon Bans Texe Marrs’ Book, Holy Serpent of the Jews Code: pop_1117_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none (CD) Killing America—40 Wounds Code: pop_1017_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none (CD) Shadow Government (The)—Deep State Secret Intelligence Operations in America Code: pop_1217_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none Amazon Bans Texe Marrs’ Book, Holy Serpent of the Jews Code: pop_1117 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none Killing America—40 Wounds Code: pop_1017 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none Shadow Government (The)—Deep State Secret Intelligence Operations in America Code: pop_1217 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none