March 2016 Programs (CD) Communism is Judaism Unfolding—We were warned by Wurmbrand and Solzhenitsyn of the Horrors of Code: pop_0816_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none (CD) Genocide of Christians in the Middle East Code: pop_0616_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none (CD) Project Phoenix—The CIA Massacres and Murders in Vietnam Still Continue in Iraq, Syria, Libya Code: pop_0916_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none Communism is Judaism Unfolding—We were warned by Wurmbrand and Solzhenitsyn of the Horrors of Juda Code: pop_0816 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none Genocide of Christians in the Middle East Code: pop_0616 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none Project Phoenix—The CIA Massacres and Murders in Vietnam Still Continue in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Code: pop_0916 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none