is Judaism Unfolding—We were warned by Wurmbrand and Solzhenitsyn of the Horrors
of Judaism and Satan: Texe Marrs reviews the continuing growth of America and Europe.
Rabbi Stephen Wise stated, “Communism is Judaism,” and he was right.
Texe Marrs also examines Justice
Scalia’s incredible unknown betrayal of Christianity. Scalia turns out to be a
secretive member of the Opus Dei secret society and an aggressive Zionist agent. An avid
student of the Babylonian Talmud, Scalia was a ticking time bomb on the Supreme Court, ready
to explode in favor of the Jews. The Jews had FIVE pro-Israel Zionists on the Supreme Court
with Scalia’s vote. That is 5 of 9 Judges! Was he murdered? Absolutely, BUT not by who
you might think.
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