February 2017 Programs (CD) Charted History According to the Protocols of Zion—The Plan of Masons and Jews Code: pop_0317_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none (CD) Chimeras, Monsters, PizzaGate and the Satanic Hoodwink of America and the World Code: pop_0217_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none (CD) Hidden History—An Exposé of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Coverups in American Politics Code: pop_0417_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none Charted History According to the Protocols of Zion—The Plan of Masons and Jews Code: pop_0317 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none Chimeras, Monsters, PizzaGate and the Satanic Hoodwink of America and the World Code: pop_0217 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none Hidden History—An Exposé of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Coverups in American Politics Code: pop_0417 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none