April 2019 Programs (CD) George Soros and His Open Society Foundations Code: pop_1119_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none (CD) Killing Chivalry—Silencing the Echo of God’s Design for Man Code: pop_1319_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none (CD) Racial Violence in America and How the Media Ignore It Code: pop_0919_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none (CD) To Sit At A King’s Table—Evangelical Leaders Have Sold Out Jesus to Have the Ear of... Code: pop_1219_cd Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none George Soros and His Open Society Foundations Code: pop_1119 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none Killing Chivalry—Silencing the Echo of God’s Design for Man Code: pop_1319 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none Racial Violence in America and How the Media Ignore It Code: pop_0919 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none To Sit At A King’s Table—Evangelical Leaders Have Sold Out Jesus to Have the Ear of... Code: pop_1219 Price: $10.00 Quantity in Basket: none